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Join The Breastfeeding Revolution Today!

I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding. I have loved my experiences with my babies, and I love being able to share and help others enjoy their own experience. If you are a follower of mine, then you know that when I come across products that can help aid moms who are breastfeeding, I enjoy sharing them in a review as well as great giveaways from the companies that the products come from! If you are new here, you can find some of these reviews on the Preparing For Baby Guide, which I have left up even though it has been a year since I have had my Wyatt! The reason is because, I still come across amazing products that are perfect for any parent who is preparing for a new baby. Well, recently I was asked to do a interview for a great new community called Breastfeeding Revolution. This community is going to be filled with great tips, resources and guides for mothers who are taking that journey, or those mothers who are pregnant and wanting more information to help make that choice to breastfeed a easier one! On Breastfeeding Revolution, you can discover the art to blissful breastfeeding, which is what breastfeeding should be, blissful! I shared my own story on breastfeeding, a few tips as well as some of the products that I have reviewed, which have made my own journey and those of my readers, a very blissful one!!! On August 22, you will be able to view my interview here, so join the revolution today for free, so you can stay up to date, get the advice you are looking for, and join a wonderful group of women, who are there to help you along your own journey today!!


  1. Sandy VanHoey
    August 10, 2013 / 8:41 am

    So great they have a community to help so many new moms out there who most likely have lots of questions they'd like answered

  2. Robin Wilson
    August 10, 2013 / 5:42 pm

    I breastfed my son and would not have had it any other way if possible. So glad that there are advocates and resources available to new moms and moms to be!

  3. slehan
    August 11, 2013 / 4:41 am

    I've never had kids, but I fully support a woman's choice to breastfeed or not.slehan at juno dot com

  4. Denise Taylor-Dennis
    August 11, 2013 / 9:12 pm

    What a great resource for breastfeeding moms. I would have joined this when I was breastfeeding, I am not having any more children though.

  5. bunnyswagg
    August 11, 2013 / 9:36 pm

    I'm on the fence about breastfeeding so having some information and real moms to share experiences or having support really helps.

  6. Wendi S
    August 12, 2013 / 1:40 am

    I breastfed one of them but not the others. I found it limiting to breast feed so I am happy there are supports for breastfeeding mothers. That should help.

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