Home » Jenga Boom #Giveaway #RC ENDS 3/1!! CLOSED!

Jenga Boom #Giveaway #RC ENDS 3/1!! CLOSED!

Our family looks forward to our Family Game Night, and we love adding new and fun games to our selection of games. Recently I was sent a new game from Hasbro that has really made a impact on our Family Game Night! I was sent the new and explosive game, Jenga Boom.

We have played and have loved Jenga in the past, but with the new Jenga Boom, we have found the game to have a whole new twist on it. It is a game that gets you thinking and tests your speed! You are not just up against how far you can go before the blocks come tumbling, you are now up against the clock, and with the timer on, you find yourself in a very fun and competitive game with your friends and family. Once the clock starts ticking, you are in a race to find that block, then stack it to the top, and testing your skills to see how far you can get before the tower either topples over or you get the boom! We loved adding Jenga Boom to our Family Game Night and you will too, because the wonderful people from Hasbro would like to give one of my amazing readers their own Jenga Boom!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. leanne_mac
    February 26, 2013 / 5:40 am

    we play all sorts of game but really like Sorry and Trouble.leannemacg at gmail.com

  2. Sandy VanHoey
    February 26, 2013 / 8:52 am

    We like monopoly or the original Jenga my daughter plays often with my grandson

  3. Carrie Phelps
    February 26, 2013 / 11:40 am

    My grandsons are 4 & 5 so we most often play the game Sorry.

  4. Laura Lane
    February 26, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    We like to write our own Mad Libs.

  5. Laura Lane
    February 26, 2013 / 12:05 pm

    kindle fire

  6. Laura Lane
    February 26, 2013 / 12:06 pm

    Procotor & Gamble

  7. Kambrea
    February 26, 2013 / 1:52 pm

    We like to play Apples to Apples.

  8. Kambrea
    February 26, 2013 / 1:54 pm

    I entered the soda sparkle giveaway.

  9. Kambrea
    February 26, 2013 / 1:54 pm

    I commented on the Tape it up post

  10. Shelly Peterson
    February 26, 2013 / 2:14 pm

    We play sorry, phase 10 and pit mostly but love all games

  11. Shelly Peterson
    February 26, 2013 / 2:14 pm

    entered the ShindigZ giveaway

  12. Shelly Peterson
    February 26, 2013 / 2:21 pm

    entered the ShindigZ giveaway

  13. Shelly Peterson
    February 26, 2013 / 2:24 pm

    entered the ShindigZ giveaway

  14. Shelly Peterson
    February 26, 2013 / 2:25 pm

    commented on the Stompeez post

  15. Shanee
    February 26, 2013 / 8:39 pm

    We love Monopoly at our house!shaneemcfarland@gmail.com

  16. Terra H.
    February 27, 2013 / 11:33 am

    We like to play lots but our favorite is Yahtzee. Thanks.partymix25(at)hotmail(dot)com

  17. JLin
    February 27, 2013 / 2:33 pm


  18. eliza elliott
    February 28, 2013 / 12:25 am

    we like to play LIFE

  19. lana
    February 28, 2013 / 3:58 am

    have not started that yet the kids are still little

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