Home » InSinkErator: The Evolution Excel Garbage Disposal

InSinkErator: The Evolution Excel Garbage Disposal

During the holiday season, we tend to go through quite a bit of food. With all of the get togethers and family dinners, I end up doing quite a bit of cooking. This year for Christmas my husband surprised me by relieving some of the stress I had and he cooked the Christmas meal! The food was wonderful, but we wanted to make sure that there was plenty for everyone to get enough, so like most do, we overcooked. Which is not all that bad, since leftovers are always a plus for lunches and such. Well it has been a week since Christmas, and even longer since my family first arrived in town, and we had plenty of leftovers left in the fridge. Of course our dogs thought that they were going to get lucky and get some scraps, but unless it was bones, they did not get a whole lot. With the extra food, I honestly hate to throw it out, but if no one will eat anymore of it I have to get rid of it and claim my fridge back. I started the fridge clean out last week, and like most, I cant stand a stinky fridge or trash can. So in the past I have really loved having a garbage disposal. The thing is, since we moved into this house a few years ago, the garbage disposal has not worked. It had been out since the last tenant lived here and I just went with the stinky trash. You can guess that when I was offered a brand new InSinkErator The Evolution Excel Garbage Disposal to review, I was thrilled, and it could not have come in at a better time!! Last week I put my husband to work and had him change out the old garbage disposal and put my new one in!!! I was honestly all giddy about it, my husband thought it was funny, but I have gone a few years without one after having one to use on a daily basis, so yeah, I was very excited! I love having a handy hubby, he went under the sink took out the old broken garbage disposal and put this new bad boy in like it was no big deal. Once it was ready, my husband had to test it, then it was my turn, mama had to clean out the fridge, and my new Evolution Excel Garbage Disposal worked like a champ!! It worked so much better than any other I have ever used, I mean it was not loud like others I have use, and it was so easy and quick, I guess the word I am looking for is smooth! Yeah, smooth. I mean, it looks smooth, it was a smooth process to get it in, and using it was very smooth! Getting the InSinkErator Evolution Excel Garbage Disposal was truly a Christmas present for myself, even if it was for review! I was able to get my fridge cleaned out and dishes done in a very decent amount of time, and I dont have a stinky trash that takes up room, bags, and needs to have me pester the hubby to take out so I can breathe, lol! After I had gone through and deboned the ham and turkey legs, my husband informs me that I could have used my new garbage disposal and even cut down my time even more, oh well. The dogs got some bones, my fridge is clean, and my husband doesnt have to hear me nag him about getting the smelly trash out of the house!! So we all won!

The Evolution Excel® offers the following features: 

  • MultiGrind Plus™ Three grind stages let you quickly grind virtually any food waste.
  • SoundSeal Plus™ Makes the Evolution Excel® at least 60% quieter than standard disposers.
  • Jam-Sensor® Circuit automatically increases torque to break through jams.
  • 40-Ounce Stainless Steel Grind Chamber and Grind Component Handles more volume than standard disposers.
  • 1.0 Horsepower Dura-Drive® Induction Motor Gives you the most horsepower of any food waste disposer.

Type of Feed: Continuous:
On/Off Control: Wall Switch:
Motor: Single Phase
HP: 1.0
Volts: 120
Reversing: Auto-Reverse Grind System® feature
HZ: 60
RPM: 1725
Amp. (Avg. Load): 10.2
Time Rating: Intermittent
Lubrication: Permanently Lubricated Upper & Lower Bearings
Shipping Weight (Approx.): 25.5 lbs.
Unit Finish: Stainless Steel/Light Gray 
Overall Height: 13-1/2″
SoundSeal Plus Technology:

  • Anti-Vibration Mount®
  • Anti-Vibration Tailpipe Mount™
  • Quiet Collar® Sink Baffle
  • Multi-Layer SoundLimiter™ Insulation

MultiGrind Plus Technology:

  • GrindShear Ring®
  • Tri-Action Lug™ System
  • Undercutter Disk®
  • Jam-Sensor® Circuit

Grind Chamber Capacity: 40 oz.
Motor Protection: Manual Reset Overload
Average Water Usage:  Approx. 1 Gallon Per Person Per Day
Average Electrical Usage:  3-4 KWH Per Year
Drain: 1-1/2″ Anti-Vibration Connection: (Hose Clamp) 
Dishwasher Drain Connection: Yes

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. Janet W.
    January 3, 2012 / 3:54 pm

    The stat "1.0 Horsepower Dura-Drive® Induction Motor " makes this sound very powerful! I like that it also holds more than most at 40-Ounces! Sounds wonderful!

  2. MJD's Mommy
    January 30, 2012 / 12:08 am

    Wow this is pretty awesome. I am in need of replacing my cheap garbage disposal.

  3. Laura Lane
    November 2, 2012 / 7:23 pm

    I miss having a garbage disposal.

  4. babymonkey
    November 2, 2012 / 9:07 pm

    Mine only lasted 4 years and no parts for the part where mine wore out and started leaking!!!!!!! the plastic piece got a whole in it and there is no part to fix it! I am SOOOOOOOO mad! We rarely splurge for the more expensive item but this we did and we loved it, but if it's not going to last, what's the point! Very disappointed with this product!!!!

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