Home » How To Protect Your Children On Their Smartphones

How To Protect Your Children On Their Smartphones

Being a parent in today’s world requires a lot more when it comes to safety and diligence. There are social networks, and connections that kids join up with both at home and at their schools, and with that we find that we must monitor their engagements. For me, aside from my kids who engage in online activity at their schools, we also have the apps they play during their earned screen time in the home, and my teen who has a smartphone that I try to monitor as closely as I possibly can. The thing is, when it comes to my teen and her smartphone, she has it with her most of the time, as a tool to keep in touch with family who live far away and also to keep me informed when she has after school activities and practices to attend. Which gives her more time to engage on her smartphone apps, and leaving her more vulnerable to what all can cause harm from cyber bullying to the apps that have questionable engagements. And like many parents who have kids who use apps on tablets and who also have older kids with smartphones, I find that I am always seeking out ways to help make and keep them safe when they are connected. So when I was shown the infographic below, I found it to not only be a great source for myself but a source that I could share with my audience as well to help when it comes to protecting children on smartphones, especially with the holidays coming where many kids will be getting that first smartphone as a gift.


  1. 1AlwaysNYC 1
    November 29, 2017 / 12:27 am

    This is a great infographic. There's so much that parents need to be aware of, especially with social media.

  2. tannawings
    November 29, 2017 / 4:53 am

    I am glad to know there are more aps to keep kids safe out there. So many parents give phones for all the right reasons, and they actually get used more for interacting not with parents or for emergncies but for everything else.Its a thin line to walk, but they are kids, not friends, its our job to monitor.ellen beck

  3. Janet W.
    November 29, 2017 / 12:14 pm

    Very interesting stats! We'll try as long as possible to keep my grandsons away from social media the best we can.

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