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How To Double Savings

We’re living in days where every penny counts and you really have to watch carefully where your money goes. Even if you make a leak-proof budget and plan your purchases accordingly, most people find that it’s hard to make a dollar stretch as far as they need it to. It just seems like there are always items that get pushed to the bottom of the shopping list due to lack of funds.

It wasn’t so long ago that when you needed to buy something, it was off to the local shop you’d go! You would load the kids into the car and drive whatever distance it took to find the right item for the best price. Obviously, that might not be from your neighborhood store on the corner; so driving from one locality to the next, or even across town, was part of the plan when comparison shopping. Remember those days?

The Lost Art of Clipping Coupons

One of the ways we found to save money was by clipping coupons from the daily newspaper. Not such a big deal—if you like sitting down at the table with a pair of scissors and going through the coupons and ads; page by page. At the end of one session, you could actually have a nice little stack of money-saving coupons. You could throw them into an envelope and take them with you every time you went shopping; hoping to cash in on one of them. Or you could spend a bit longer at the table to play the matching game—matching each of your coupons up with sale items in the paper.

To each his own, but that seems like a terrible waste of time just to save a few cents! Not to mention the frustration involved when you just KNOW you have a coupon for a particular item but can’t find it. Never mind—it had probably already expired anyway.

Stretching Your Dollar on the Internet

Online shopping is a FANTASTIC way to stretch your spending dollar. Whether it’s clothes for the kids, furniture for the house or garden tools, most people have discovered that the Internet is the place to go for the best bargains. Really, is there anything you can’t buy on the Internet? Besides the sheer convenience of shopping from anywhere that you have access to a computer with Internet, you can save a ton of money with online shopping. By doing a search for the item you want to buy, you can see a range of prices from vendors across the city or half way across the world! Now, just think how much you could save if you could also use coupons to make those products even cheaper! That’s possible by going to coupon sites like ChameleonJohn.com. This is a site that gives you real-time online coupons and promotion codes that you can apply to your purchase today—right now.

Doubling Your Savings with Online Coupons

This is how it works. You go shopping online for the items or services you want. Then check out a coupon site like retailmenot or chameleonJohn.com to see which promotions or coupons you can apply to your purchase. Without any effort on your part, you can enjoy additional savings on your purchase. It could be a coupon for a percentage off your total charges, a promotional code for a discount of a few dollars or even free shipping. Whatever the figure is, it amounts to hard earned cash that stays in your pocket! You can either go directly to the site and take a look at the deals available or you can sign up for the mailing list. Every week you’ll get a message in your inbox updating you on the latest promo codes, savings and online coupons. They do all the legwork for you.

Getting the Best Deals

As a one-stop shop for online coupons from Nordstrom, Overstock, Kohls Chameleon.John.com makes it fun and easy to access and use online deals. No one person could possibly keep track of all the available promo codes and online coupons along with expiration dates and restrictions, but they keep track of thousands of online retailers so that you can spend your valuable time getting down to the nitty-gritty of shopping. Instead of digging through online sites for the cheapest prices, you can search for the items on your list, apply one of our coupons and voila! You just saved yourself time, hassle and money! There is no easier way to buy what you need and keep money in your pocket.

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