Home » #HoneyMaid Celebrate National S'Mores Day August 10th #ThisIsWholesome

#HoneyMaid Celebrate National S'Mores Day August 10th #ThisIsWholesome

There are many traditions that come to mind when I think of summer, and one that I have enjoyed since I was a kid, and share with my own kids are those oh so delicious S’mores! 

For me, I find S’mores to be a comfort food, reminding of the simpleness of being a child, and enjoying time with family and friends. So being able to share that tradition and make memories for my own kids to take with them for years to come is something I enjoy and look forward to doing as much as possible! Aside from having the campfires or cookouts where we make S’mores, like many families out there, we will be having a end of summer bash, and celebrate by taking advantage of National S’mores Day with the kids!

National S’mores Day is on August 10th this year, and to help with the celebrations at my home for the big day, we will be using the Honey Maid Graham Crackers, which have been a part of the S’mores tradition for nearly 90 years, to create our own S’mores with, as well as make some fun S’mores recipes to make our day complete! I found a great selection of recipes that will help make S’mores Day complete in our home at the Honey Maid site, like making the Honey Maid S’mores Muffins to share with the kids for breakfast to a Honey Maid S’mores Parfait, to share with a dessert after dinner! 

With the Honey Maid S’mores Parfait, we were able to make a simple, yet very delicious S’mores treat for the whole family to enjoy!

What you need:

1 cup of the Honey Maid Graham Crackers (Ground)

1 cup of the Honey Maid Cinnamon Bears (Ground)

2 packages of  Dark Chocolate Pudding Mix

1 jar of  Marshmallow Creme

4-6 cups for putting the parfaits in

Make pudding as directed

Once pudding is set and cooled add some Honey Maid Graham Cracker Grounds, then add a couple of spoonfuls of pudding, add a couple of spoonfuls of marshmallow, add another 2-3 spoonfuls of pudding and top off with some Honey Maid Cinnamon Bear Grounds

will make 4-6 servings

So celebrate this National S’mores Day with your family, and be sure to add Honey Maid to the mix! Also join me, the people from Honey Maid, and other bloggers for a National S’mores Day Twitter Party on Sunday August 10th at 8 pm EST, and use the hashtags, #ThisisWholesome and #HoneyMaid, and also be sure to follow @HoneyMaidSnacks!

I was given product and compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.
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