I love finding new toys for my kids to play with. A huge plus is when I find toys that are not only fun to play with, but are also constructive. Whether it be strategy skills that the toys teach, or any other type of useful skills. I love toys that my kids can learn something from while at the same time having fun! So when given the Magneatos 72 piece set from HearthSong.com to review, I was very excited to get it out for my son to play with. This set is so much fun. The pieces are big so there are no little parts for little ones to choke on like other magnetic building sets. The magnetic pieces are great for teaching the power of magnets and cause and effect, which are great skills to start teaching your kids at a young age! Then the fine motor skills they can pick up from building are also very useful. The bright colors are great, especially when you are teaching your little ones how to recognize the different colors! With this set there are a huge number of possibilities on what you can teach and do with your kids while playing!! Over at HearthSong.com they carry a huge line of toys and with all of the toys they carry, they keep the different stages of child development in mind as well as the different types of learning abilities that children may have, so you are sure to find the perfect present for any child over at HearthSong.com when shopping this holiday season!!! With that said, since we are in the holiday gifting spirit over here at Mommy Katie, the people from HearthSong would like to join us in the festivities by giving one of my awesome readers a Magneatos 72 Piece Set to share with a special child this holiday season!!!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on December 8,2010. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.
I am following HearthSong on FB. ShirleyHaynesClark.clarkclay@bellsouth.net
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