Home » Home For The Holidays: K'NEX Giveaway CLOSED!!

Home For The Holidays: K'NEX Giveaway CLOSED!!

My kids love to build things. They love building blocks and this past year we have introduced my son to K’NEX, which have become a huge love for him. He is just so fascinated with putting blocks together and creating new things! He is so proud of himself when he creates something that is functional! That is what I love about the K’NEX sets we received for review courtesy of K’NEX! These sets are targeted at kids that are at my sons age group, which is the preschool age group. He is only 2 years old and for him to be able to get sets of K’NEX that are meant for his age group is just awesome. I love how they understand how little minds work, because when you give these sets to your toddlers and sit down with them, and watch them create things, its like they are in tune with toddlers! We received the Neighborhood Collection School Bus and Fire Truck. First they are Sesame Street, and just like my daughter, my son is a huge Sesame Street Fan. Then these sets are not in 100 pieces, they are not overwhelming for little ones. Instead, both of these sets only have 19 pieces. And the pieces are not small pieces. They are just the right size for little hands to fiddle with. These pieces fit into place so easy, so there is no frustration on trying to get them to snap together. Then, after some puzzle work done by your little one, they have a functional bus or truck that they can roll around on the floor. After they are done playing, the finished products can easily be taken apart by your little ones and put away for another time of play. My little guy loves to get up in the morning and sit on the floor and make his “Vroom Vrooms” that he can play with through out the day!! Since Christmas is almost here and there are still presents that need to be bought, the wonderful people from K’NEX would like to help out this year by giving one of my awesome readers the K’NEX Neighborhood Collection School Bus and Fire Truck!!!

Mandatory Entry:
Like K’NEX on Facebook, leave me your email with this comment!!!

Extra Entries:

Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway daily 

Follow me on Facebook

Follow me on Google Friends Connect 

Vote for me on the Top Mommy Blogs 

Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it 

Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)

Grab The Home For The Holidays Button and leave the URL to where I may find it

This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on December 11,2010. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.


  1. Paloma
    December 7, 2010 / 6:31 am

    Liked K'nex on FB.ontiveros_paloma at yahoo.com

  2. Paloma
    December 7, 2010 / 6:32 am

    I follow you on FB

  3. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:53 pm

    I like K'Nex on facebook! :)amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  4. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:53 pm

    I follow you on facebook! :)amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  5. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:53 pm

    I follow you thru the GFC! :)amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  6. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:54 pm

    I voted! :)amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  7. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:54 pm

    Your button is on my blog! :)http://alililly.blogspot.com/amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  8. AliLilly
    December 7, 2010 / 3:54 pm

    Your Home for the Holidays button is on my blog! :)http://alililly.blogspot.com/amiallison73 at yahoo dot com

  9. Rebecca
    December 7, 2010 / 8:44 pm

    I like K'NEX on facebookRebecca Niehausimsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. Rebecca
    December 7, 2010 / 8:45 pm

    I follow you on twitter as @sparkleglow and tweetedhttp://twitter.com/Sparkleglow/status/12246316306407424imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. Rebecca
    December 7, 2010 / 8:46 pm

    I like you on facebookRebecca Niehausimsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. Rebecca
    December 7, 2010 / 8:46 pm

    I follow you publicly on google friend connectRebecca Niehausimsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. Shellyrm
    December 7, 2010 / 8:47 pm

    I liked K'Nex on FB.shellyrm(at)yahoo(dot)com

  14. Rebecca
    December 7, 2010 / 8:48 pm

    I voted for this blog on Top Mommy Blogs imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. Shellyrm
    December 7, 2010 / 8:48 pm

    I'm your friend on FB.shellyrm(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. Shellyrm
    December 7, 2010 / 8:49 pm

    I follow you with GFC.shellyrm(at)yahoo(dot)com

  17. Michelle Willow
    December 7, 2010 / 9:40 pm

    following you on FB

  18. Michelle Willow
    December 7, 2010 / 9:41 pm

    following via gfc

  19. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:43 am

    Like K'NEX on Facebookkarenmed409 at comcast dot net

  20. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:43 am

    GFC follower

  21. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:43 am

    Like You on facebookKaren Medlin

  22. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:44 am

    Have your buttonhttp://gummasplace.blogspot.com/

  23. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:45 am

    Have your Home for the Holidays buttonhttp://gummasplace.blogspot.com/

  24. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:45 am

    Voted Top Mommy Blogs today

  25. karenmed409
    December 8, 2010 / 5:46 am


  26. Angela
    December 8, 2010 / 10:29 am

    I "liked" K'NEX on Facebook.Angela Larsonlasitera at yahoo dot com

  27. Angela
    December 8, 2010 / 10:31 am

    I follow on Google Friend Connect.Angela L.lasitera at yahoo dot comlarson.angela.l at gmail dot com

  28. Angela
    December 8, 2010 / 10:31 am

    I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs. Angela L.lasitera at yahoo dot com

  29. Anonymous
    December 9, 2010 / 1:21 am

    I Like K'NEX on FacebookFB name AlbertDana Arsenault dmraca at gmail dot com

  30. Anonymous
    December 9, 2010 / 1:22 am

    Follower GFCDana Rdmraca at gmail dot com

  31. karenmed409
    December 9, 2010 / 4:19 am


  32. Sophia
    December 9, 2010 / 1:04 pm

    Looking for a meaningful gift for the holidays? Make a promise to support one year of education for a child in need. 1 promise = $10/month = 1 year of a child's education. http://www.seasonofpromises.org

  33. Baby Mama
    December 9, 2010 / 2:51 pm

    I liked them on fbsarahlovesvegas@hotmail

  34. Baby Mama
    December 9, 2010 / 2:52 pm

    I followsarahlovesvegas@hotmail

  35. jmcghee2024
    December 9, 2010 / 3:44 pm

    I like K'nex on Facebookjmcghee2024ATyahooDOTcom

  36. jmcghee2024
    December 9, 2010 / 3:44 pm

    GFC followerjmcghee2024ATyahooDOTcom

  37. jmcghee2024
    December 9, 2010 / 3:45 pm

    I like you on Facebookjmcghee2024ATyahooDOTcom

  38. jmcghee2024
    December 9, 2010 / 3:45 pm

    Voted for Zack!!!!!jmcghee2024ATyahooDOTcom

  39. jmcghee2024
    December 9, 2010 / 3:45 pm

    Voted for you on Top Mommyjmcghee2024ATyahooDOTcom

  40. andiemarie923
    December 9, 2010 / 9:39 pm

    I liked K'NEX on facebook.andiemarie923(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. andiemarie923
    December 9, 2010 / 9:39 pm

    I sent a request to follow you on facebook.andiemarie923(at)gmail(dot)com

  42. andiemarie923
    December 9, 2010 / 9:40 pm

    I follow your blog via GFC.andiemarie923(at)gmail(dot)com

  43. andiemarie923
    December 9, 2010 / 9:40 pm

    I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs.andiemarie923(at)gmail(dot)com

  44. Felicia
    December 9, 2010 / 10:19 pm

    like K'NEX on facebook (Felicia Escobedo)felicia.431 at gmail dot com

  45. Felicia
    December 9, 2010 / 10:20 pm

    follow you and tweetedhttp://twitter.com/fce431/status/12994866589995008

  46. Erika
    December 9, 2010 / 10:21 pm

    I like K'nex on FB – Erika BMusingsfromaSAHM(at)gmail(dot)comThanks~!

  47. Erika
    December 9, 2010 / 10:22 pm

    I follow you on FB – Erika B

  48. Erika
    December 9, 2010 / 10:22 pm

    GFC follower

  49. Erika
    December 9, 2010 / 10:22 pm

    I voted for you!

  50. karenmed409
    December 10, 2010 / 3:05 am


  51. Felicia
    December 10, 2010 / 6:05 pm

    daily tweethttp://twitter.com/fce431/status/13292899982643200felicia.431 at gmail dot com

  52. karenmed409
    December 10, 2010 / 11:28 pm


  53. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:19 am

    like knex on fb (michelle b)tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  54. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:21 am

    google followertbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  55. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:21 am

    like on fb (michelle b)tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  56. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:22 am

    twitter follower & tweetedhttp://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/13463627948359680tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  57. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:23 am

    buttonitsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  58. Tabathia
    December 11, 2010 / 5:23 am

    home for the holidays buttonitsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  59. karenmed409
    December 11, 2010 / 11:02 am


  60. Felicia
    December 11, 2010 / 6:53 pm

    daily tweethttp://twitter.com/fce431/status/13667462604128257felicia.431 at gmail dot com

  61. Paloma
    December 11, 2010 / 7:36 pm

    Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogsontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com

  62. Paloma
    December 11, 2010 / 8:13 pm

    Follow you on GFContiveros_paloma at yahoo.com

  63. Paloma
    December 11, 2010 / 8:19 pm

    Follow you on Twitterontiveros_paloma at yahoo.com

  64. Tabathia
    December 13, 2010 / 5:02 am

    tweethttp://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/14183272095424512tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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