I love finding new items for my home, or as gifts for others! My kids love to eat the peanuts in the shell, they love to break them open and get the nuts out. We also like to change it up and give them pecans and walnuts. Another thing that we sometimes have around is candies in the same dishes we keep the nuts in. Something that I have been wanting is something more decorative and maybe even fun to put the nuts and candy in for the kids. But until I was given a Candy and Snack Dispenser from Plow & Hearth to review for my readers, I had no idea on what I was looking for. This dispenser is the answer! My kids love it. It is just like the candy and nut dispensers that my kids love to get goodies from at the mechanic’s or the bank! The huge plus on that is that I know that it is clean, and my kids like that it gives them the same amount every time so there is no fighting over portions!! The top easily screws off so it is very easy to refill and the globe comes off easy for cleaning!! This is perfect for your candy treats, nuts or other snacks that you can safely put in the dispenser with out ruining it!! With holiday shopping on everyones mind, the people from Plow & Hearth would like to make things a little easier by giving one of my awesome readers a Candy and Snack Dispenser to use in their own home or to give as a gift to someone special this holiday season!!!!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on December 8,2010. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.
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