Home » Holiday Shopping with RetailMeNot (Holiday Guide 2012)

Holiday Shopping with RetailMeNot (Holiday Guide 2012)

With the holiday shopping in full swing, and the rush to get those gifts purchased and shipped off, can make the stress really get to you. I know that when it comes to all of the shopping, there are deadlines on that holiday shipping if you want to get your gift to the recipient on time, and if you miss those deadlines then you are stuck paying outrageous shipping fees. I personally do not like getting gifts then waiting in line at the Post Office for an ungodly amount of time, which during this time of year can be quite a wait. So I choose to shop online if I will be sending gifts to others this year. The thing is with all of the holiday shopping that needs to get done, I have found myself paying those fees in order to assure that the gifts get there on time. This year I have made a vow to myself, that not only will I not pay outrageous shipping fees this holiday season, but I will not wait until the last minute to ship items and I will be getting the best deals on the items that I am getting for others. One site that I know I will be able to find the discount codes and coupons for the items I am shopping for is RetailMeNot. I love that they have a whole section that I can go to that is geared just at Christmas shopping, which makes my life so much easier! I know that when I use RetailMeNot for my holiday shopping, I will be using the largest coupon site in the United States and I can find thousands of coupons and offers from my favorite retailers. I also love that when I use RetailMeNot this holiday season, when I shop from now until December 17th, which is Free Shipping Day, I will get free shipping on most of my orders and the items I order will be delivered by Christmas Eve!!! Also from now until Free Shipping Day which is December 17th, I can enter the daily countdown giveaway, which is a reminder for me on how many days I have left to get those huge savings, and I can enter to win awesome prizes like a $1,000 shopping spree at Kohl’s!!!

Aside from all of the great savings I can get by using RetailMeNot this holiday season, I can also access RetailMeNot on the go when I download the RetailMeNot app to my iPhone or Android devices!! So this year, there are no excuses or reasons why you can not get that holiday shopping done in time to avoid those high shipping rates when you use RetailMeNot between now and December 17th!!

This is a sponsored post from One2One Network and RetailMeNot.com. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. Kambrea
    December 14, 2012 / 11:19 am

    I use Retail Me Not all the time. I didn't know they were doing this. I will have to get the app.

  2. Laura Lane
    January 13, 2013 / 4:56 am

    This is new to me.

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