Home » Holiday Gifts from Origami Owl Custom Jewelry

Holiday Gifts from Origami Owl Custom Jewelry

When it comes to the holidays, we like to find gifts that will make a statement and leave an impression. For me, when I think of those gifts that are sure to leave an impression, I think of gifts that can have a personal touch to them. And one company that I have adored over the years that not only allows me to find beautiful pieces for myself, but also pieces I can put together when it comes to gifts is Origami Owl.

With Origami Owl Custom Jewelry, I like that I can create pieces that have meaning and that can tell a story by hosting a party with friends and family or by going online and finding the pieces I am looking for. The pieces are put together by choosing one of the base pieces like a living locket. Once the locket is picked out I can then choose a plate to go with it or leave it clear.

Then once I have picked out my base piece, I can begin telling a story, by choosing the charms that will bring that story together. For the one I chose for this review, I chose to go with a theme for my daughter, starting with a E for Estrella. Then going from there by adding charms that appeal to her likes and passions. Making the story I chose to go with a story about my daughter!

So this holiday season if you are looking for a gift that is eye catching, one that is personal, and one that can tell a story, then check out the gifts you can create at Origami Owl Custom Jewelry!

Product received, thank you to Origami Owl as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.


  1. Janet W.
    October 27, 2015 / 9:19 am

    What a beautiful piece of jewelry! I'd love to add something like this to my collection!

  2. D Johnson
    October 27, 2015 / 2:31 pm

    I love this charm necklace; so pretty.

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