Home » Holiday Fun with the Thomas and Friends Track Master Avalanche Escape Set

Holiday Fun with the Thomas and Friends Track Master Avalanche Escape Set

I think when it comes to the holidays and those must have toys of the season, I find that just like with me, my husband gets excited to check out those hot toys! To help with this years list of hot toys we were sent the Thomas and Friends Track Master Avalanche Escape set, which is a track master motorized set to review.

Well when it comes to our boys, they love trains. They enjoy watching the shows and have quite a collection of the Thomas and Friends DVD’s, so adding this train set to their collection of trains, has made for a great fit! As Thomas goes around the track, he finds himself needing to gain some momentum as he begins going over a mountain top that is not stable and to get over the big gap!

Aside from the big gap on the mountain, Thomas must also cross the rickety bridge, all while gaining speed so he can go faster and go through the spooky cave, discover a fossil, and come out to be a very brave little engine!

This set is not only fun to set up with a 6 foot track, but is a lot of fun to play with and watch as Thomas overcomes the obstacles in his way, over and over again! Making the Thomas and Friends Track Master Avalanche Escape a great gift to give the Thomas and Friends fans in your home this holiday season!

Product received, thank you to Fisher Price and the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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  1. Sarah Hayes
    November 23, 2014 / 5:15 am

    this is so awesome! my daughter would love it. Shes obsessed with trains and this would entertain her for hours

  2. Janet W.
    November 23, 2014 / 10:21 am

    My grandson already has a lot of these Thomas trackmaster train sets, so this one could fit right in to his collection. He has a room dedicated to them. This looks like such a fun set!

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