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#GNLightsOut Ad Better Nights with GoodNites®

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites®.

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Bedtime is a time in our house where we have a routine set in place. With the older kids, we get pajamas on, and brush teeth, then take half an hour for reading time before the lights go out. My older kids are in school, and I know that ensuring they get a good nights sleep the night before is important. Due to the fact that every child is different, we do take that into consideration when it comes to how we can help make sure everyone sleeps through the night. My son is scared of the dark, so when it is time for lights out, I turn on his night light. Then, with my eldest, even though she is older than the other two, she has a issue that she and I have been working on over the years, and even though most nights it is under control, we like to be safe, rather than wake up in the middle of the night with an unexpected accident. That is where having the products from GoodNites® come in. My daughter feels more at ease knowing that even if she has a nighttime accident, she does not have to worry about waking up to a wet bed.

There are many reasons why kids have nighttime accidents, so ensuring that they can avoid the embarrassment, by being able to wake up with dry linens in the mornings, is something that I try to do for my kids. Recently we were sent some of the GoodNites® Disposable Bed Mats to try out and review. I found that setting up the bed mats was very easy, and I like that they stick to the bed, so they stay in place, which if an accident occurs, the mats can help absorb any moisture, and are easy to take off and dispose of. On the bottom of these mats, are tabs that you peel off, then place right onto the bed. I was able to attach right to the fitted sheet, and even when my child tosses around in the night, the mat was still attached and in place, making the nights easier and drier for everyone. In all, we have found the products from GoodNites® to help make nights in my house, easier, by helping to keep the beds dry while the kids sleep.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites®.
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