Home » Giving The Gift Of A Foreign Language This Holiday Season With Little Pim (Holiday Guide)

Giving The Gift Of A Foreign Language This Holiday Season With Little Pim (Holiday Guide)

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In my house, we have a little mix when it comes to culture. See Estrella, not only has a Spanish name, but she also speaks Spanish. Her biological father is Hispanic, and from the time she was born, he and his family have spoke to her and have taught her to speak Spanish, which I have always appreciated. Over the years, she has grown to be quite a translator for me, and I have also enjoyed her attempts to teach her younger brothers to speak Spanish, by teaching them simple words and such. Well, I think that knowing a second language, especially one like Spanish, is very important, and it is something that I would love all 3 of my kids to be fluent in. To help make this idea a reality I was sent the Little Pim Spanish Gift Set to review.

One of the things that I can really appreciate with this set is that I can put it in and all 3 of my kids can follow along. It is made for kids ages 6 months to 5 years, which even though Estrella is 9, she finds that she can help by teaching her younger brothers to understand a little easier. With Wyatt, he enjoys watching the movies then listening to his sister afterwards, saying the same things that he watched in the movie, and hopefully putting the words together so that he can understand them. I know that by hearing Robert interact with his sister, that the Little Pim series is helping him. So instead of him pretending to understand his sister when she speaks to him in Spanish, he can actually interact with her. Each of the DVDs is about 35 minutes long, featuring the adorable panda Little Pim, who teaches kids how to speak a foreign language, making it no longer foreign, but a second language for them. I have also found it to be a great series to watch, as a refresher for me. I might have taken Spanish in high school, and my daughter might speak Spanish, but I am no expert, and when I hear Estrella speak, I can understand a little more, instead of just bits and pieces. So this holiday season, when you are looking for a great gift to give the kids, one they can really learn from and enjoy, then check out the different series of sets you can get from Little Pim which can be found at Toys R Us!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review. 

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  1. Janet W.
    November 13, 2013 / 11:05 am

    What a fun way for young children to learn another language! They pick it up a lot faster the earlier it's introduced.

  2. Denise Taylor-Dennis
    November 13, 2013 / 1:27 pm

    It is such a good idea for kids to know another language and Spanish is a great on for living in So Cal. I would love to get the Spanish one for my son.

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