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#Giveaway Win One of 3 Uniden Lullaboo Video Baby Monitors

As a parent, when we find out that we are expecting a new baby, a million and one things go through our minds. Like making sure we have all of the items needed in place, from the clothes, diapers and baby gear, to making plans for their futures. We make plans, like starting a trust fund for our kids, saving up for their college, and deciding on whether or not we will use placenta and cord blood banking.

All of these decisions are not ones that can necessarily be made over night, or even by the end of the week. The ones that have long term effects are ones to think over, and make a decision on based on the facts and benefits. From where you will set up your child’s college fund at to get started with, to who you will bank with when it comes to the cord blood and placenta banking, as a parent or even grandparent, the decisions are ones to be thought through so you make the right ones.

When it comes to the cord blood and placenta banking, there are a lot of things to look into, which includes educating yourself and others on the many benefits you and your child can get from cord blood banking. This is something that should be gone over before the baby gets here, in the months leading up to the birth, so once you make your decision, everything is in place and ready once the baby arrives.

One place to turn to, where you can not only find the information you are in search of when making the decision to placenta and or cord blood bank, but also use as your bank, is Life Blood Bank. On the Life Blood Bank site, you can find information on both Placenta and Cord Blood Banking, and also find out how to sign up, so when baby gets here, you are ready and have a bank in place!

Well aside from the benefits and information you can find by simply visiting the Life Blood Bank site, right now, you can head on over to the LifeBankUSA Facebook, where you can enter to win one of 3 Uniden Lullaboo Video Baby Monitors! You can enter by go to this link:  http://bit.ly/1xzFuEw

Gift card received, thank you to Life Blood Bank as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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