Home » #Giveaway #RC Show Your Teachers Your Gratitude This Year With Merci Chocolates CLOSED!

#Giveaway #RC Show Your Teachers Your Gratitude This Year With Merci Chocolates CLOSED!

Another school year has come and gone, and like many parents out there, I am making those Summer preparations. I am getting ready for the kids to graduate from another grade level and prepare myself for them to enter into another in the coming Fall. I will cry, and congratulate my kids for doing such a good job, because even though I am sad to see them grow I am so proud of them and so proud to see them go on. The thing is, most of us do not think at the end of the school year to stop and thank the teachers for all of their hard work. If it were not for them and for their determination, getting up every morning and getting up in front of our kids to teach them everything that they learn at school each day, well, they would not be going on to that next chapter in their lives, to the next grade in the Fall. I know that it is a very hard job, but it is also a very rewarding job also, my mom is a teacher, and I know that if it were not for her students and the reward in seeing them progress and learn what she has taught them, then the job would not be worth it. This year was my Robert’s first year of school, and I know that with just one 4 year old boy, times can be trying, so I can imagine a whole classroom filled with 4 year old children who have the same if not more energy than Robert, can be exhausting. So this year, as it comes to a end, we have given thanks to Robert’s teacher by giving her the amazing gift pack that we were sent from the people Merci Chocolates. She was very grateful and told Robert that chocolate is one of her favorite things in the whole world! Well, since we are at the end of the school year, the wonderful people from Merci Chocolates would like to send one of my amazing readers their own Teacher Appreciation Pack to show a special teacher in their life some thanks as well!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. suburban prep
    May 30, 2013 / 8:44 am

    My eighth grade teacher

  2. Jackie
    May 30, 2013 / 12:55 pm

    I think it would be a great gift for my daughter's chorus teacher.Thank you!

  3. Jackie
    May 30, 2013 / 1:00 pm

    I entered the P&G Spring Blossoms Prize Pack

  4. Gina Wildorchid
    May 30, 2013 / 3:07 pm

    I would love to give this to my son's preschool teacher. Entered the rafflecopter as "Wild orchid"Thanks for the chance to win!wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  5. CindyWindy2003
    May 30, 2013 / 3:11 pm

    i'd like to give this to my old high school algebra teacher, she was awesome, still in touch with her, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

  6. Robin Wilson
    May 30, 2013 / 4:31 pm

    I would love to give this to my dear friend and neighbor. She teaches 3rd grade, loves her kids and is one of the hardest working people I have met. If I could give it to a teacher from my past..it would be for Mrs. Nash, my 10th grade Biology teacher who helped me understand and cope with my lupus diagnosis as she had it herself.

  7. D Schmidt mummytotwoboys
    May 30, 2013 / 5:35 pm

    I would love to win this for my oldest son's teacher because she has really inspired him.

  8. ColleenMarie82
    May 30, 2013 / 5:44 pm

    I would give this gift to my daughter's preschool teacher, I loved her, I was super nervous about sending my daughter to preschool and I could not have been happier this school year.

  9. ColleenMarie82
    May 30, 2013 / 5:44 pm

    I entered the Goddess Gardens giveaway

  10. Dorothy Teel
    May 30, 2013 / 5:56 pm

    A teacher from my past way back in nursing school instilled in me the knowledge and the coping skills to become a nurse.. She is no longer around But I remember Miss Cavanaugh frequently..

  11. one frugal lady
    May 30, 2013 / 7:22 pm

    I would love to win this for my daughter's awesome teacher!

  12. Kayla
    May 30, 2013 / 8:20 pm

    English Teacher!

  13. Mayla Moore
    May 30, 2013 / 8:46 pm

    I'd give this to my sons current teacher. Mrs Hall

  14. Kate Fuller
    May 31, 2013 / 1:21 am

    I would have given it to my fifth grade teacher.

  15. Kate Fuller
    May 31, 2013 / 1:22 am

    I entered the P&G giveaway.

  16. s
    May 31, 2013 / 1:32 am

    My little one's k teacher.

  17. Allison Downes
    May 31, 2013 / 1:45 am

    I would have given this to my high school teacher Miss JackieThank you for the nice giveaway!

  18. JLin Mei
    May 31, 2013 / 2:09 am

    to my 11 grade high school math teach

  19. Anonymous
    May 31, 2013 / 2:57 am

    I would give this to my daughter's kindergarten teacher who very much deserves this.

  20. Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster
    May 31, 2013 / 4:00 am

    Oh there are so many who deserve a fun and delicious thank you gift in recognition of how much they mean to me…Right now I'm thinking of my 4th grade teacher, Miss Danforth who always gave me the encouragement and support I really needed.Especially during some hard times when I was the target of some very nasty/cruel bullying: she helped me believe in myself, stand up for myself and even feel GOOD about myself . She was a real treasure!Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

  21. Ruby
    May 31, 2013 / 4:31 am

    I'd give it to Ms Natalie , my daughter's favorite teacher

  22. Ruby
    May 31, 2013 / 4:35 am

    Shared on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ruby.yoshi/posts/250795158395382

  23. Ruby
    May 31, 2013 / 4:37 am

    Entered Luvs diapers giveaway

  24. Rachel Travis
    May 31, 2013 / 7:47 pm

    I would give this to my foster daughters study skills teacher who has done amazing this year!

  25. eclairre
    May 31, 2013 / 9:25 pm

    id give it to my sister

  26. Daisy B
    June 1, 2013 / 2:25 am

    I would give this to my son's preschool teacher! She is so awesome and works so hard and patiently for the kids.

  27. Linda Meyers-Gabbard
    June 1, 2013 / 8:10 am

    Love to have given this to my 6th grade teacher Mr. David Gray. He was the best teacher in the entire school. Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  28. Linda Meyers-Gabbard
    June 1, 2013 / 8:10 am

    Love to have given this to my 6th grade teacher Mr. David Gray. He was the best teacher in the entire school. Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  29. Linda Meyers-Gabbard
    June 1, 2013 / 8:12 am

    I entered the little mommy bubbly bathtimeLadyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  30. Linda Meyers-Gabbard
    June 1, 2013 / 8:13 am

    I entered the little mommy bubbly bathtimeLadyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)

  31. JENNi
    June 1, 2013 / 9:34 am

    I would give it to my girls preschool teacher

  32. lilpinksocks
    June 2, 2013 / 5:57 am

    My daughters' preschool teacher

  33. lilpinksocks
    June 2, 2013 / 6:11 am

    I entered the Lincoln Logs Set giveaway

  34. dfraley3
    June 2, 2013 / 11:22 am

    My first grade teacher Mrs. Gamble — although she would have passed by now. 0ver 40 yrs. ago.

  35. heymissvirginia
    June 2, 2013 / 10:19 pm

    I would have given this to my fourth grade teacher. Her name was Mrs. Haynes and she was the best!Virginia Rowell

  36. amweeks
    June 3, 2013 / 4:01 pm

    I'd love to give these to my daughter's French teacher!

  37. rebeccabasset
    June 4, 2013 / 10:56 am

    I don't remember the names of any of my Teachers, but I had one in Fourth or Fifth Grade Math, that once accused me of cheating, and I wasn't even in the class that day, so I suppose I would give it to her, just because of that.

  38. Robin O
    June 4, 2013 / 1:03 pm

    I wish I could have given this to my 2nd grade teacher. She was amazingly creative and encouraging.

  39. Vunda Vall
    June 5, 2013 / 3:32 pm

    i would give it to my fave college professor! Dr Milvae!

  40. Vera Khule
    June 5, 2013 / 9:52 pm

    I would give this to my son's speech therapist. She's just a wonderful person!

  41. Deb K
    June 7, 2013 / 6:24 am

    My grandson's teacher~he has Autism and she is Wonderful with him!

  42. Deb K
    June 7, 2013 / 6:25 am

    I entered the P&G giveaway.

  43. Deb K
    June 7, 2013 / 6:26 am

    I entered the Little Mommy Bubbly Bathtime Doll giveaway.

  44. Jessamine Dungo
    June 7, 2013 / 8:37 am

    To my mom. My 1st teacher 🙂

  45. polly
    June 9, 2013 / 8:55 am

    this would be for our grandson's pre school teacher

  46. polly
    June 9, 2013 / 8:56 am

    entered P & G giveaway

  47. suburban prep
    June 9, 2013 / 3:03 pm

    Also entered P & G Summer

  48. wizardewu
    June 9, 2013 / 6:12 pm

    My sixth grade teacher

  49. wizardewu
    June 9, 2013 / 6:18 pm

    I entered the Sambazon giveaway.

  50. wizardewu
    June 9, 2013 / 6:23 pm

    I entered the Goddess Garden giveaway.

  51. Howell
    June 10, 2013 / 12:38 am

    I would give this to my eight grade science teacher.

  52. Howell
    June 10, 2013 / 12:41 am

    Entered Goddess Garden Sunscreen giveaway

  53. Howell
    June 10, 2013 / 12:46 am

    Entered Sambazon giveaway

  54. dfraley3
    June 10, 2013 / 11:10 am

    Shared on FBhttps://www.facebook.com/debra.fraley.39/posts/655064177842039

  55. CindyWindy2003
    June 10, 2013 / 3:09 pm

    entered P&G starting summer right, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

  56. Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster
    June 13, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    I entered your fabulous GTech AirRam Vacuum Cleaner giveaway – Thanks!Jesselyn A/JesstingerJessterlyn(at)aol(dot)com

  57. JLin Mei
    June 13, 2013 / 1:20 pm

    entered Skip Hop Johnathon Adler Diaper Bag

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