With the Spring time weather upon us, we are spending more time outside. We love to take advantage of all of the beautiful weather as it comes, but with that we also take on the dry weather that we have here in the Texas Panhandle. My kids and myself have issues with dry skin, and my husband just recently started to develop issues with dry skin as well. So as a family, we try to keep products around the house, in the diaper bag and in the car that can help with our skin and our lips. One brand that we keep on hand for our lips is Carmex. Myself and my daughter get dry lips quite often and she has learned how to collect chap sticks and keep them in places that are convenient for her to be able to get to. Aside from keeping Carmex chap stick on hand at all times, we have found that having the Carmex Healing Lotion and Healing Cream on hand to be very beneficial for everyone. Recently I was sent a great pack of Carmex products which included the Carmex Healing Lotion and Healing Cream as well as a awesome Carmex hoodie that is great for wearing in the mornings when I am out running around! I love having the Carmex Healing Lotion around because when we come in from playing and we notice dry skin, I can apply some of the Healing Lotion to the dry area and it right away begins to moisturize the affected area. I also like that we can use the Healing Lotion before hand and prevent any dry skin from happening. Then for times like when Estrella gets a little eczema and gets real dry patches, I have found the Carmex Healing Cream to really help her skin and her eczema patches! In all, we all love and enjoy using the products from Carmex and the Healing Lotion and Healing Cream are great products to keep on hand to help keep that dry skin at bay!! Well, since Mothers Day is just around the corner, the wonderful people from Carmex would like to give one of my amazing readers the same awesome prize pack they sent me!!!
This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.
I love the Cherry Carmex in a tube!
I like the healing lotion.thanks!
I entered the Deuter sleeping bag.thanks!
I like the Ultra Smooth Lime Twist Lip Balm Stick.Thanks!
Ran Ban giveaway
Hydrating Lotion
I LOVE the http://mycarmex.com/m/lip-care/cherry-stick
I have 2 favorites..The Healing cream & the Lip Protection..
I have always liked the Carmex in the little round tin 😉
my fave is the Carmex Moisture Plus Berry
entered puppet monster giveaway
entered https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/03/giveaway-rc-free-dial-coconut-water.html
commented on https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/04/nsnation-spon-nutrisystem-week-3.html
I really like their Original Stick.colljerr at comcast dot net
Entered your Deuter Sleeping Bag giveaway.colljerr at comcast dot net
The Healing Cream is awesome.https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/04/nicole-lee-sample-sale-save-up-to-75.htmlI entered pediped, Ray ban and just about every other giveaway.The blog button is on the first page of my blog at the bottom. http://harvestlanecottage.com
I also entered the Dial body wash Giveaway..
I like the carmex Cherry TubeThank you for hosting this giveawayLouispumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I like the Hydrating Lotion – thank you.
Shared this on FB https://www.facebook.com/barbara.montag.7/posts/438259086265869
Google+ ID Barbara Montag
Networked BlogsBarbara MontagBlog button: http://bmontag.blogspot.com/
I like the original tube.
entered the $25 walmart giveaway.
cherry carmex in tube my favorite
I love the original tin!
I like the Lime Twist lip balm.
I LOVE THE CARMEX HEALING LOTION. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
I love the hydrating lotion =)
I like the Healing Lotion.
I entered the Dial giveaway.
I entered the Purex giveaway
I like the hand lotion.
commented on https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/04/freshfoods-cook-n-blend-baby-food-maker.html
commented on https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/04/freshfoods-cook-n-blend-baby-food-maker.html
I love Carmex healing cream!Thanks for the giveawayFiona Niceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com
I love the Carmex in the small round container.
commented on https://mommykatie.com/website_77cb464d/2013/04/paid-icktionary-clorox-ick-tionary.html
Healing Ointment
I love the Hydrating Lotion
My favorite is the Original Lip Balm in the tube.andysavi.mom@gmail.com
I like the Original Healing Ointment in the bib tub.
cherry chapstick eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com
I like the lip balmshrddiana556@gmail.com
the original stick balmlmurley2000@yahoo.com
I love their cherry chapstickgreenday14fan@yahoo.com
I like Carmex in the little round tin.Nothing works as good as that.Thank you :)tigers3450@att.net
I love carmex chapstick. I've been using it for years. I haven't had a chance to try their skincare products yet but would really love to, especially the healing cream as I think it would be great for my skin which has been very dry and chapped due to the very dry air. Thanks for the chance to win these great products!
I would love to try the pomegranate!