Home » #Giveaway Pin to #Win $450 Decor Bundle from Mamas & Papas (Guest Post)

#Giveaway Pin to #Win $450 Decor Bundle from Mamas & Papas (Guest Post)

“Pin to Win” a décor bundle worth over $450 from Mamas & Papas. To enter, first follow @mamasandpapasus on Pinterest. Then, create your own pin board titled “Mamas & Papas Dream Nursery.” Pin at least 10 items that represent your dream nursery. Make sure at least five are from the latest collections on us.mamasandpapas.com and you tag your images with #mamasandpapas and #dreamnursery. Once you’ve completed your dream nursery board, submit your entry by commenting on the competition pin (http://www.pinterest.com/pin/477240891736243153/) with a link to your board!  The competition runs from August 4th – August 18th, and the winner will be announced on Pinterest on August 19th. The Once Upon a Time Bundle includes: 4 piece bedding set, nursery rug, canvas picture, luxury crib mobile, hooded baby towel, embroidered fleece blanket and crumble bear!
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