When it comes to preparing for baby, that list of what to have in place can be a somewhat intimidating for a new parent. I can remember when I had my eldest, trying to ensure I was ready seemed like a never ending task. This is a issue that I again ran into with our middle child, but by the time we had him, I was a little more prepared in knowing what we would need. So you can imagine that after the second one, I had a better idea of what we needed when we were ready to start preparing for our third child. Now I am not going to say that I know what ALL is needed in order to truly be prepared, but as a mom who has been there, more than once and even more than twice, I feel that I can help others and keep that anxiety of where to start, down. One line of products that I have on my list for preparing for baby, that I see as a must have, is the line of products from HALO.
I find that starting baby off with the HALO SleepSack Swaddles, not only helps to eliminate any loose blankets while baby is sleeping, but I also like knowing that with the HALO SleepSacks, you get a wearable blanket that over 1,300 hospitals use and recommend. Recently I was sent a very adorable new Spring print from the HALO SleepSack Swaddle line, which will really come in handy for using to help keep baby warm and swaddled!
I like that the SleepSack Swaddle is easy to use and is also adjustable. There is also a inverted zipper to help make those nighttime diaper changes easier on parents. Then with the fact that the SleepSack Swaddle is machine washable, I can wash it along with babies other clothes. Making the HALO SleepSack Swaddle a must have item to get while preparing for baby!
With the Halo products, you find a line of products that not only provides parents with products that offer safer sleeping options for baby, but you also get products from a company that want the best for baby. They do this by not only having the products parents need, but by also giving parents and caregivers the information that can be really crucial when it comes to caring for baby while they sleep. In fact, the wonderful people from HALO have given me some great tips to share with my readers when it comes to caring for baby while they sleep:
Safe Sleep Tips
- Place baby to sleep on his or her back at naptime and at night time.
- Use a crib that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress that fits snugly and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
- Remove all soft bedding and toys from your baby’s sleep area (this includes loose blankets, bumpers, pillows and positioners). The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.
- Offer a pacifier when putting baby to sleep. If breastfeeding, introduce pacifier after one month or after breastfeeding has been established.
- Breastfeed, if possible, but when finished, put your baby back to sleep in his or her separate safe sleep area alongside your bed.
- Room share, but don’t bed share. Bed sharing can put a child at risk of suffocation.
- Never put your baby to sleep on any soft surface (adult beds, sofas, chairs, water beds, quilts, sheep skins etc.)
- Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep; keep room temperature 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Never allow anyone to smoke around your baby or take your baby into a room or car where someone has recently smoked.
You can find more tips like the ones above, as well as other products available from the HALO SleepSack line, by heading to the HALO SleepSack site! Also, the wonderful people from HALO SleepSack would like to give one of my amazing readers their own HALO SleepSack or SleepSack Swaddle!
Product received, thank you to HALO SleepSack as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
I learned that Halo SleepSacks were created by Bill Schmid after losing his daughter to SIDS
I learned that you can request a free hospital sleep sack.tina mmisspolonia93@aol.com
We are big Halo fans! I received one in the hospital and love everything about the new bassinet!
HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper
The bassinest swivel sweeper would be great to have!
I learned that creators of Halo sleep sack lost their first baby to SIDS.
The HALO SleepSack wearable blanket and SleepSack Swaddle have sufficient legroom to allow safe swaddling and free movement of the hips and knees.
I would love the Halo Bassinet Sleeper
I like the Halo Sleepsack.
I learned they also make the sleepsacks for toddlers.
love the halo bassinet sleeper. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
I learned from the halo site that you can request a free hospital sleep sack. =)
I learned that you can request a free hospital sleep sack. Jana
I learned that you can request a free hospital sleep sack. Jana
I love their prints, especially the Grey Elephants!
I learned the Sleepsack is made sleeveless to keep babies from overheating.
Have your button on my bloghttp://fortheloveofnatalee.blogspot.com/p/blogs-i-visit.html
Sensitive Skin Sleepwear Two-Piece Set: Silky blue pup pals.
I learned that you should always put your baby on its back to sleep.
I learned that the creator lost his firstborn to SIDS
I learned that they not only help the baby sleep safer but also more soundly by preventing the "startling" effect from moving their arms. Interesting!Carly D.
I learned that the company is located in Minnetonka, Minnesota.