When it comes to my kids, my toddler is one who loves his cars and trucks. He enjoys taking them outside, playing with them in his room, rolling them up and down the hallways, and taking them with when we are on the go. So when I look for new vehicles to get him, I like to find ones that are built kid tough! Recently we were sent such a toy from the Green Toys line when we received the Dumper to review.
With this adorably fun little construction vehicle, my son can take it outside, through our halls, and even to bed with him if he wanted to. And with the Green Toys Mini Construction Vehicles, I can get him the toys that are built to be played with and that are made of 100% recycled plastic!
I like that the material is made from recycled plastic milk jugs, like the ones he sees us put in our recycling bin. I also like that this truck is chunky, sturdy and made to be durable so he can play with it and not have to worry about breaking it. I also like that after he has been digging in the mud with his truck and hauled some rocks around the yard, I can put it in the dishwasher so he can then take it to his room to play with indoors as well.
Which in all makes this toy along with the others you can find from the Green Toys line up a great selection to shop from when looking for those gifts to give this holiday season! And to help with your holiday shopping, the wonderful people from Green Toys would like to give one of my amazing readers their own Green Toys Mini Construction Vehicle!
Product received, thank you to Green Toys as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
I love the Scooper my nephew would love this. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
My grandson would also love to have the Flatbed & Race Car vehicle!
I'd go for the rocket
My nephew would like the Safe Seas Set – Submarine
I like the orange tractor.
My favorite is definitely the Dig and Discover set.
I like the shape sorter
The tea set in blue would be perfect for one of my grand-daughters.
I like the orange tractor.
I would love to get the Scooper!
My son would really like the Recycling Truck.
My daughter would love the Dump Truck – Pink!mcfallsk8er[at]aim[dot]com
I like the blue tool set.
I love the fire truck
I like the Fire Truck!
I like the Recycle Truck for my son.
I also like the sea planes.
I'd also love the Helicopter for my little guy!
I really like the airplane with the blue wings.
I would also like to have their Train – fun!
I like all the little vehicles, the train is really cute!
I like the helicopter!
The cookware and dinning set would be great. Patricia
The Sport Boats are really cute. My son would have a lot of fun with them.
They have some great toys, I know this one was listed on my grandson's christmas list this year; Train-
Recycling Truck
I like the submarine