Home » #Giveaway Getting Picky Eaters to Eat their Vegetables w/ Animeals

#Giveaway Getting Picky Eaters to Eat their Vegetables w/ Animeals

School is back in session, and those, what to do for dinner, moments are once again a reality in my house. I find that it would be so much easier to figure out what to cook, if only I could get my kids to eat and not be so picky, but the reality of it all is, I have picky eaters so I deal with it. When it comes to the picky eaters in my house, they are all opposite, from the kid who will eat all fruits and veggies that are put in front of her and snub a nose at meats, to the boy who will eat everything but his fruits and veggies unless he is tricked into doing so. So with the dilemma of coming up with a dinner menu, I turn to recipes and products, where I can get that balance, even if it is just at the dinner table, where I know my kids will get a great tasting and healthy meal, that we can all enjoy together. Recently I was sent some of the Animeals to review and try with my picky eaters.

I found that since pasta seems to be a dish that we can sometimes all agree on, as long as there are not big bits of vegetables in the sauce, that using the Animeals on some noodles with some meatballs would be a way to get a balanced meal on the table. When the Animeals arrived, there were 2 things that really stood out for me. One was the fact that the sauce is made in Texas, and the second thing was that right on the label it says that the sauce is organic. As a mom, the organic factor is always a plus when cooking and preparing meals for my family, then the fact that the pasta is made right in the USA, well that is a added bonus.

The next thing is the taste test, and because my kids do not really care what the labels say, as well as the fact that if Robert saw that the sauce is packed with good for you vegetables, he might find a reason to not try it.

So for the taste test, I was curious to see or hear what the kids had to say, but because once it was served, there was silence, I took that as my answer. I mean instead of hearing complaining that sometimes follows after I serve food like, ewe I found a vegetable or what is this, all I heard was slurping of noodles, and content kids as they ate every bite that was in front of them, making a meal with the Animeals a win win for this mom! Also making the Animeals a great selection of sauces to add to the pantry for a dinner where ensuring the kids eat their vegetables is not a issue!

Well to help with getting your kids to eat their vegetables and finding a great selection of sauces to add to your pantry, the wonderful people from Animeals would like to send one of my amazing readers their own Animeals sauces to try!


Product received, thank you to Animeals for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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  1. JLin Mei
    September 12, 2014 / 3:12 am

    organic pasta-sauce

  2. Kris
    September 12, 2014 / 4:59 pm

    I want to try the hidden veggie pasta sauce!

  3. heymissvirginia
    September 13, 2014 / 7:33 pm

    I want to try the hidden veggie pasta sauce the most.heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  4. Brianna Sherman
    September 14, 2014 / 9:36 pm

    I think I would want to try the Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce but the Mango one sounds absolutely delightful to me!

  5. Kristen
    September 22, 2014 / 6:37 pm

    I want to try the Hidden Carrots sauce.

  6. Kristen
    September 22, 2014 / 6:37 pm


  7. Kelli
    September 23, 2014 / 2:04 pm

    Hidden veggie pasta sauce would be my pick.

  8. latanya t
    September 24, 2014 / 5:32 pm

    Tropical Mango pasta sauce

  9. latanya t
    September 24, 2014 / 5:35 pm

    button here sweetumsblogsc.blogspot.com

  10. Jessibeth Vicenty
    September 24, 2014 / 5:59 pm

    I would love ot try the Organic Tropical Tomato & Mango Sauce

  11. 1froglegs
    September 24, 2014 / 7:18 pm

    I am most interested in trying the hidden carrot variety of the pasta sauce.

  12. Jennifer Cervantes
    September 26, 2014 / 12:30 am

    I want to try the hidden carrots variety of pasta sauce.

  13. Austin Baroudi
    September 27, 2014 / 4:02 pm

    Would love to try the Organic Tropical Tomato & Mango Sauce!mcfallsk8er[at]aim[dot]com

  14. Sara Sharp
    September 29, 2014 / 1:10 am

    Tropical Tomato! Yum yum.

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