This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
When you have a baby, there are so many firsts that you will experience. I am one, who will capture all of those firsts when I can, then share them as well as save them for looking back on. With Wyatt being my youngest, and having a 4 years difference between my middle son Robert and him, I have been able to really focus on being there for a lot of Wyatt’s firsts and taking pictures of them. Like for when Wyatt got his first tooth, when that first tooth started to pop through, I had to mark the first by taking a pic of the tooth. When Wyatt first began to crawl, I was holding my breath while taking pictures of the moment, as he crawled to me, so excited to be able to do such a thing. Then when Wyatt took those first steps, my husband and I were both there, my husband decided to stand him up as I encouraged him to come to me. Wyatt had the biggest smile on his face, and as he took those first few steps, I had my camera and video camera going, capturing that moment. With Wyatt, we did not expect him to walk when he did since his older siblings all walked at around a year. So when he took his first steps at 9 months old, we were in shock, and it was something we would never forget.
Aside from the first moments that we have captured in photos and videos, there are also so many other firsts, and with each of those firsts, we have used Pampers Swaddlers, so that we can focus on the moment, and not on a leaky diaper, or a diaper that does not allow him to move as he crawled for the first time or for when he took those first steps. As a mom, I can really appreciate that Pampers Swaddlers are there for my babies, from the time they are born at the hospital, to the time they are ready to be potty trained since they go up to size 5! And when our friends have a new baby or when we head to a baby shower, we always add at least one pack of the Pampers Swaddlers to the gift pack. The people from Pampers understand parents and their babies, and since there are firsts for every baby, they want to celebrate those first by offering 30 days of giveaways with Pampers Swaddlers! You can join in the celebration by heading over to the Pampers Facebook page where you can enter to win daily prize bundles plus the grand prize of Pampers Swaddlers and wipes for a year!!! Also, this Thursday December 5th at 9 pm EST, join me along with other bloggers during #SwaddlersFirsts Twitter Party, as well celebrate firsts with Pampers. Join in the conversation during the party where you can enter to win some amazing prizes!
Prizes include:
3- Celebrating Firsts Gift Packs, ARV ($250), which include:
- · Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
- · Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
- · Baby’s First Words Book
- · Baby’s First Steps Plush Toy
- · $50 Shutterfly Gift Card to celebrate all “firsts” moments
- · Baby’s First Bath Robe
- · Pampers Swaddlers
Grand Prize: Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR camera worth $450!
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, and our sponsor @Pampers. RSVP Here!
Well, to get the party started of celebrating those firsts with Pampers Swaddlers over here at Mommy Katie, the wonderful people from Pampers would like to give one of my amazing readers a great prize pack!!!
· Baby’s First Friend Doudou Bear Plush Doll
· Baby’s First Tooth and First Curl Treasure Box
· Baby’s First Words Book
· Baby’s First Steps Push Toy
· Pampers Swaddlers
This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
My son had his first stitches when he was 9 months old. He climbed out of his crib and hit the side. Gashed open right above his eye.
Her first Kiss and hug was the best
I will never forget when my son first walked! It was so fun!
My baby's first steps were when he was a year old and he went after cheerios!lol
The first word is the best
Emmah is just startingto roll over
My baby hasn't been born yet, but I felt him move for the first time last week.
All of my childrens first are special but their first smiles and first steps were most special.
The newest baby in my family is my two-month old niece! She's a very happy baby!
I remember the first time my baby ate baby food! It was so messy and she just kept spitting out the cereal!
Don't have any yet but have a niece and nephew I adore!
I'm expecting my first in Jan.
My babies first giggle was at the dr office, someone started talking to her and she thought that was the funniest thign ever. She had everyone in the dr office laughing./
I have two babies in diapers.
I always love baby's first real laugh. Such a joyful sound
bringing home bahby #2!
bringing home bahby #2!
i have a baby that just started rolling and a 2 year old who is potty training
my baby niece just started walking! its so great!
button on blog
I remember the thrilled of waiting on those first teeth.
Rolling over…we were so excited we made a video.
I love seeing their first smile.Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
I am excited about my daughter's first steps, which should be very soon!
I love that first smile – confirmation that your doing something right 😉
I don't have a child yet but I look forward to the first time I get to hold my own.
Love the first laugh
My husband and I competed to see what her first word would be. I won – it was mama!
hasn't arrived yet, but i look forward to the first time i see him/her
My oldest first was awesome. She discovered her hands for the first time and stared at them for almost and hour. I couldn't help but watch her check them out. I was just as entertained as she was.
I'm looking forward to my nephew's first smile.
I have a daughter
My oldest son–when he was a baby his first baby food was greenbeans, followed by peas. 🙂
My son had tubes in from the minute he was born, so the first time I heard him cry was amazing.