Home » #Giveaway DC Super Hero Girls and a $100 VISA Gift Card

#Giveaway DC Super Hero Girls and a $100 VISA Gift Card

This is a sponsored post, all opinions in this post are my own.

When it comes to finding shows for the kids to watch on their favorite YouTube channels, like most parents, I am always on the lookout for new ones to introduce them to. And being the mother of a young girl who loves finding new shows to watch along with finding new super heroes, I was excited to be introduced to the DC Super Hero Girls!

In fact, when it comes to the shows that my daughter and her friends can check out on the DC Super Hero Girls Youtube Channel, they can get shows that are packed with girls who are on journeys to find their own unique abilities and create friendships along the way.

With the girls that the kids can watch from the DC Super Hero Girls videos, they get an amazing group of strong willed and fearless girls who are edgy and fun, and with the various characters, your kids can find one that they relate to as well! Making the DC Super Hero Girls a new favorite in our house and you can find them a new fave in yours too when you check out their YouTube channel as well as the DC Super Hero Girls Webiste where you can find games, downloads and more! Also be sure to enter for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card below!

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