Home » #Giveaway Cow's Milk Intolerance Issue put at Rest with Kabrita

#Giveaway Cow's Milk Intolerance Issue put at Rest with Kabrita

Over the years and after having 3 children of my own, I had come to a conclusion that the eczema and allergies my children have had, was something they had inherited from me. I never really looked at it any further, until a couple of years ago when a friend of mine had mentioned the connection between eczema and upset tummies, to being a intolerance to milk. After the idea was brought to my attention, I began to look back, at not only my own issues with eczema and the upset stomach I get after consuming dairy products, but the same pattern in my own children, after going from breastfeeding to using milk and other dairy products. I found myself researching the facts, and trying to find alternatives, that not only replaced the cow’s milk products we consumed, but also replaced the nutrients as well.

On this quest, I came across the amazing benefits of goat’s milk, and how it is not only easier to digest, but it also resembles human breast milk, and has a lot of great benefits when it comes to the nutritional values. So like many parents who want what is best for their children, I have searched for different products that I can use and serve to my family that use goat’s milk in place of cow’s milk. To help when it comes to feeding my busy toddler, I was introduced to the line of products that is made for toddlers from Kabrita. We were sent the Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula and a variety of the Kabrita Goat Milk Yogurt pouches to try out.

I think one of the things I really liked right away was that my little guy enjoyed both the yogurt and the formula, and did not second guess it once. In fact, he devoured the pouches, and liked having the formula to drink in his cup.

From a parents perspective, I can appreciate that the Kabrita Goat Milk products are easy to digest, so we do not get any upset tummies after drinking a glass of the formula or after eating a pouch of the yogurt. I also like knowing that when I give my toddler the products from the Kabrita line, I can feel more at ease knowing that he is not only getting a product that has an amazing nutritional value, but there are no added hormones or antibiotics.

I also find that being able to find a line of products that I can give my toddler, helps to make that choice on what to give him in place of the cow’s milk a easy one. And when it comes to my family, I have found that after years of giving my kids cows milk, we have found relief by simply switching from cows milk to goats milk.

So if you have kids, and have noticed issues when it comes to your childs digestion when it comes to cow’s milk, an issue with eczema, take a look at the benefits of goat milk, and check out the line of products you can find from Kabrita! For more information about the difference between a milk intolerance and a milk allergy visit: http://blog.kabritausa.com/allergy-vs-intolerance-101-what-toddler-tummy-troubles-and-congestion-could-be-telling-you/ Also, enter to win your own line of Kabrita products by entering the giveaway below and get 20% off at Kabrita.com by using code MD 005!

Winner will get their choice of prize pack:
Choose from:  1 can formula with 1 pouch of each of the yogurt flavors, or 1 case of each pouch flavor, 6 pouches per case (18 pouches)


I was provided with products from Kabrita for this post. I was chosen to participate in this sponsored post through MomDot, all opinions are my own.
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  1. JLin Mei
    November 6, 2014 / 2:10 pm

    Cow milk intolerance occurs when components of cow milk – either the fat, lactose, protein, or a combination of components – are digested poorly. –

  2. Kris
    November 6, 2014 / 9:30 pm

    I liked this and found this interesting: If your little one suffers from the far more common phenomenon of cow milk intolerance, they will likely tolerate goat milk very well.

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