Home » #Giveaway 25 Days of Christmas with the Litter-Robot

#Giveaway 25 Days of Christmas with the Litter-Robot

This post is sponsored and written by me on behalf of Litter-Robot through a campaign managed by their PR. All opinions are my own.

When it comes to the holidays, we tend to go through our homes, de-clutter and clean it from top to bottom so that we can be ready for holiday guests. Like in many homes, we have pets, both dogs and cats, and with that I find that I seek out products that can help to make the cleaning at any time of the year a little easier. When I head to the store with my shopping list, I pick up not only the cleaning products but also the odor eliminators due to us having a cat box in the house. Leaving me having to spend quite a bit extra on the cat litter and the odor eliminators. So when I was sent the Litter-Robot Open Air to review, I was curious to see how it worked and also share my thoughts on it with my readers.

I found that after taking it out of the box that aside from adding the cat litter, it was ready to go. I mean, there was no assembly other than adding the cord to plug in the Litter-Robot. Once I had set it up, I found that my kitten was very curious to check it out, and after she looked at it and approved of it, we plugged it in. I really liked that after my cats use the Litter-Robot, that it then automatically begins to clean the clumps from the cat box because it can sense the fact that the cats have used it. When it cleans itself, it does so by rotating and leaving the mess in the bin below. It sifts out the clumped litter from the litter in the box, helping to save us on not only having to clean the cat box but also on cat litter. You can watch how it rotates for cleaning in the video above.

After it had completed its cleaning cycle, which only took a few short minutes, I noticed that the step that the cats use to get up into their box opened up, giving us a bin with the dirty cat litter in it. This allows us to just bag up the mess and throw it away once it is filled up, making it to where we are not having to scoop anything and also so there is less waste when it comes to the cat litter itself.

Aside from the obvious plus of the self cleaning and litter saving aspects that we love about the Litter-Robot, is that the litter box odor that I have dealt with for years of having cats, is not a issue. This is a huge plus, I mean the elimination of that cat box smell allows me to not be constantly having to clean out the litter box, and with the holidays coming, I can mark the adding of extra odor eliminators and the constant scooping of litter off my to do list.

Then when it comes to knowing when you need to clean out the tray, well there is a light as pointed out in the photo above, that blinks, letting you know that the tray is full and ready to be cleaned out. For the cat litter, you can just add more as needed, and not have to worry about it going to waste! Making the Litter-Robot Open Air a great product to have in any home with cats, and also a must have when it comes to the holiday season!

You can purchase the Litter-Robot Open Air here and also be sure to enter the 25 Days of Christmas Giveaway where you can enter to win one of 30 Litter-Robot Open Air’s and more by going here: free.litter-robot.com


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  2. Brandi Dawn
    December 5, 2016 / 4:57 pm

    This is a really neat product. I think it would be really good for my daughter who has a cat in her dorm room.

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