Home » Girl Scout Cookies 2011

Girl Scout Cookies 2011

Like many other parents out there, we have a little Girl Scout. And yes its that time of year again. The time when you get those cute little smiles greeting you at the store, at your work or at your door. You know those cute smiles that you cant resist, the ones that say, “Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?”. Oh and you know you probably cant just get one box. Then once you have broken your resolution this year by indulging in that first box, you have that urge to support every little cute smiling face that is selling those yummy, and very addictive cookies. The thing to keep in mind is that this is only once a year, and the cookies are oh so good, and yes very addictive, lol. Every box you buy goes to the Girl Scouts of America and helps girls grow into wonderful women and leaders! Last year my daughter sold enough to go to 2 different Girl Scout Camps! Also you dont have to eat them all yourself, why not follow in the little Girl Scouts footsteps and share a box with someone. What could be a better way to say I love you this Valentines than a box of Girl Scout Cookies, or if you really want to show some love, a whole case!!! So on behalf of my daughter, her adorable troop and Girl Scouts across the nation, here is the question I am going to ask you, “Would you like to buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies?”

I’ve got something in my pocket,
That belongs across my face,
I keep it very close at hand,
In a most convenient place.
I’m sure you couldn’t guess it,
If you guessed a long long while.
So I’ll take it out and put it on,
It’s a great big Girl Scout smile.

To find Girl Scout Cookies near you and place a order go to http://www.girlscoutcookies.org/


  1. Christina
    January 18, 2011 / 1:21 am

    I would so buy some if I lived near you. It is hard to find the girls at the stores around here selling cookies, and I have never had one come to my door to sell them.

  2. Mommy Katie
    January 18, 2011 / 1:33 am

    Whether you were to buy them from me or any other Girl Scout, you still support the Girl Scouts of America and a wonderful group of amazing girls!! To find some cookies near you go to http://www.girlscoutcookies.org/ I hope you can find some near you by using the site!!! And thank you for your support!!!!!

  3. Sara
    January 18, 2011 / 3:00 am

    I remember going door to door to sell the cookies, my Dad always gook my sheet to work and I never sold enough to earn more than the badge.I think the quality of the cookies has changed because I remember them tasting so much better when I was younger. – maybe my tastes have just changed. Of course I will still be buying them if a cute little girl shows up at my door.New Follower:www.thehickmanfour.blogspot.com (life as a wahm)www.touchofhomelearning.blogspot.com (preschool activities)www.custompartiesfromthebox.blogspot.com (custom party planning)Stop by, look around, follow back, comment freely – most importantly, ENJOY!

  4. Teresa Choplin @ tchoplin2009(at)gmail(dot)com
    January 18, 2011 / 9:09 am

    I'm a new follower, found you the Tuesday Blog Hop, please feel free sometime to stop by my blog, and link up to my Swimmin by Sunday Blog Hop to, still open.http://www.nontypicalmom.com/

  5. Laura Lane
    November 12, 2012 / 7:32 pm

    I was a girl scout.

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