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Get Your #Free Sample: Establishing a Routine with X2 Performance #teamX2

This is a sponsored post. I received the X2 Performance along with compensation as a X2 Performance Blogger Ambassador. All opinions are my own.

As a mother of 3, I often found myself coming up with excuses on why I could not take the step in changing my life, making myself healthier for both myself and my family. I always thought that I did not have the time, or I found that I did not feel comfortable going to the gym. Another obstacle that I have had to conquer is my love for food, and not the good kind either. All of these are just that, excuses, ones that held me back, where I would find myself always saying, tomorrow I will make the change, tomorrow I will start my diet and exercise routines. The thing is, tomorrow would come, and there I was again, in the slump, chasing babies, changing diapers, cooking dinner, and putting my health on the back burner for another day.

Well, it was about a year ago when that all changed. It did take a lot, from looking back on pictures of myself before kids and people not believing that I had once been a lot skinnier, or people who knew me years ago, not recognizing me. I took the first step and began counting calories, watching what I was eating, drinking more water, and including the kids on walks to get exercise. Like many, I got to a point where I was just maintaining my weight, and not at a number where I was even close to being satisfied, and like many, I had given up. That is when I decided, just a couple of months ago, it was time to step it up, and go to the gym.

Many in my shoes, walk in those doors to the gym, and find it all to be quite intimidating, but once I got over my own nerves making it hard for me, I realized, after looking around, that I was not alone. In fact, when I got into the routine, I found many people in many different stages of their own fitness goals, and quite a few, who were like me, taking it on, not for anyone else there but themselves!

I have found there are times when I just do not feel that I have the energy to head out the door and go to the gym, and I know that if I dont do it, I will end up taking two steps back instead of forward, so I push on, and find that when I push through it, I feel better about myself. When I have times where I do feel drained after a day in the life of a mom, I find that having the X2 Performance on hand, is that extra boost that is needed. It not only helps me when I start my workout, but as I go on through my time at the gym, I find the endurance I need. I also can really appreciate the recovery afterwards. Aside from having the energy boost that I get from the X2 Performance, I have found that hydrating before heading out, then right after, also makes the workout a lot easier on me.

As I continue on my journey, and I have others who ask where to start, I will have to say that changing my diet to where I have lowered my calorie count was a huge boost. Another piece of advice that I can give would be to drink lots of water. I know this one can actually be harder than it seems, but from the time I get up in the mornings, instead of going for those sodas and such, I drink water. Mind you, I still drink my coffee, but I will drink a glass of water when I wake up, a glass with my breakfast, one in the afternoon, one glass with lunch, another glass before I get the kids from school, one with my dinner, one before heading out to the gym, and one after my workout, giving me the recommended 8 glasses per day if not more on some days! Aside from the change in diet, and drinking water, be sure to add at least 30 minutes of some sort of physical activity into the day. I not only consulted my Dr before changing my diet and activity levels, but I also consulted a personal trainer at my gym, which has really helped me in keeping a routine. So if you are just starting out with losing the weight, or if you are already on a journey for yourself, be sure to not only consult your Dr, but also know your limits, and always keep looking ahead towards your goals!

You can get your free trial of the X2 Performance that I mentioned in this post by going here!

I received product and compensation for this post. All opinions are my own. Please consult with your Dr or Physician before starting any workout routine or taking supplements.
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  1. Sandra VanHoey
    May 14, 2014 / 8:51 am

    Thanks, going to tell my son about this since he loves the energy drinks and I know he'd love trying this out

  2. Sarah Hayes
    May 14, 2014 / 2:15 pm

    thanks for the review. Id never heard of this product before. Im also trying to make healthier changed in my lifestyle so this was nice to read about

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