Home » Fun for Little Ones with the Little Tikes Cook Around Kitchen & Cart

Fun for Little Ones with the Little Tikes Cook Around Kitchen & Cart

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When it comes to pretend play, my kids have these amazing imaginations that are ready to be fed. Now with Wyatt, he may only be a year and a half, but since the day he was born, he has watched his older siblings, and is always so eager to be doing whatever they might be doing. So just like my older kids, I look for toys for Wyatt as well, that will feed that little imagination of his.

One company that I have enjoyed finding great toys from for my older kids when they were little, and now Wyatt is Little Tikes. When I shop for toys from Little Tikes, I can find those age appropriate toys, that are not only fun for little ones to play with, but they feed that need for imaginative pretend play.

Recently I was sent a great toy for Wyatt, that he can not only enjoy playing with, but that his older siblings can also enjoy playing with, as they play together. We were sent the fun Little Tikes Cook Around Kitchen and Cart to review from Little Tikes.

Like the fun play kitchens that my older kids each had when they were younger from the Little Tikes company, Wyatt has found this kitchen to offer hours of fun for him.

When it arrived, we found that we could not allow the kitchen to stay in the box for long, so you can guess my relief when I found how easy it was to put together. I mean, for a parent, the parts that go to put the toys together can be quite intimidating, and seeing that there are two large parts to this kitchen that needed to be put together was a little intimidating at first. Once I got it put together, I was just as excited as the kids were, to place the new play kitchen in the play room for Wyatt to take check out.

The first thing that Wyatt did when he started to play with it was check out the fun pretend food and dishes. He then rearranged his kitchen and cart to his liking, then insisted that his older siblings play along with him, as he cooked his first pretend meal for me in his new kitchen!

The kitchen has a very adorable, modern kitchen look and feel to it. From the modern chic faucet that it attached to the sink, to the granite like look on the counter top, stove and even utensil containers that make this kitchen a must have for any little tike out there!

Then with the cart, Wyatt can take his cooking techniques to go, with table side service, showing off his mad cooking skills, and entertaining his guests! Making the Little Tikes Cook Around Kitchen and Cart the perfect play kitchen for Wyatt, and for any little one who is ready to get cooking and let their imaginations soar!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review. 
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