When you purchase specially-marked FRESCHETTA products, you’re helping us all reach our goal of donating $50,000 to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Enter your code here and they will be $1 closer to finding a cure. Help spread the word!! Each week, Freschetta will be giving away an iPod shuffle to 50 lucky winners. You can earn extra entries in the sweepstakes by sharing PROUD TO SUPPORT PINK with your friends and family. This great event will run through October 31st!!
The wonderful people from Freschetta sent me a coupon for one of their amazing pizzas, and two ear buds. One for me to use and one for me to share with my daughter! They would also love to give one of my amazing readers a coupon for a free pizza and two ear buds as well, one for the winner and one for them to share with someone special!!!
Mandatory Entry:
Tell me who you will be sharing your second pair of ear buds with!! Please leave me your email with this entry!
Extra Entries:
Like my new Facebook page (2 entries)
Follow me on Twitter
Tweet About This Giveaway Daily (+1 daily)
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Follow me on Google Friends Connect
Follow me on Networked Blogs
Subscribe to my email
Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it (2 entries)
Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)
Leave a comment on any of my non giveaway posts ( 2 entries per post )
Enter any of my other giveaways ( 1 entry per giveaway)
This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on October 15,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anything or review any products.
I would share my ear buds with my daughter who is in college.
My sisteramyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I like your new fb pageamyleanne0819@yahoo.com1
I like your new fb pageamyleanne0819@yahoo.com2
I follow you on fbamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I follow you on twitter@amyotrosinkaamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I follow you GFCamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
email subscriberamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I follow you on Networked Blogsamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I entered the Lite Sprite giveawayamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I entered the candle warmer giveawayamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
If I am the lucky winner I would share my 2nd pair of earbuds with my beautiful niece Shaleby!Sarasarasweet@aol.com
My mother!
My wonderful mom!!!cuddlez675@aol.com
Thank you so much for sharing the Proud to Support Pink program and offering the giveaway to your readers. Good luck to everyone who enters.Best Wishes,The FRESCHETTA™ FRESH CONNECTION™ Team
I entered the Pink Together giveawayamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I'd share the earbuds with my daughter.maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I "like" your Facebook page (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net#1
I "like" your Facebook page (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net#2
I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect as shala_darkstone.maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I follow you on Networked Blogs (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I entered the Scrubbing Bubbles One Step giveaway.maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I entered the Walmart gc giveawayamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
I will share my earbuds with my son!smithjo58@yahoo.com
If they are white I would give them to my husband. If not, I would give them to my sister. ;)ritaasmom@gmail.com
like your new FB as rita Suzanne #1ritaasmom@gmail.com
I like your new FB as rita Suzanne #2ritaasmom@gmail.com
follow you on twitter as ritaasmomritaasmom@gmail.com
follow you on FB as Rita Suzanneritaasmom@gmail.com
GFC followerritaasmom@gmail.com
follow you on networked blogsritaasmom@gmail.com
email subscriber (mommyrsm@gmail.com)ritaasmom@gmail.com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/ritaasmom/status/124276894941192192ritaasmom@gmail.com
Entered Star Wars giveawayritaasmom@gmail.com
Entered Hersey giveawayritaasmom@gmail.com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/ritaasmom/status/124276894941192192ritaasmom@gmail.com
my dear daughter..because they are pink.truwinner@gmail.com
like your new facebook page entry #1truwinner@gmail.comAnn M Heilman Parker
liked your new facebook page entry #2Ann M Heilman Parkertruwinner@gmail.com
following on twitter@truwinnertruwinner@gmail.com
following you on GFCAnn M Heilman Parkertruwinner@gmail.com
I will share the earbuds with my best friend Harleyteressaoliver at gmail dot com
I liked your FB page as teressa oliver entry#1teressaoliver at gmail dot com
I liked your FB page as teressa oliver entry#1teressaoliver at gmail dot com
I on twitter as tynapierteressaoliver at gmail dot com
i get your emailteressaoliver at gmail dot com
I on networked blogsteressaoliver at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC as teressa oliver teressaoliver at gmail dot com
I entered star wars giveawayteressaoliver at gmail dot com
I would be sharing my second pair of earphones with somebody in my family. Not sure who yet.Moniquebbon at yahoo dot com
Entry #1Liked your new facebook page (:Moniquebbon at yahoo dot com
Entry #2Liked your new facebook pageMoniquebbon at yahoo dot com
Followed you on Twitter@MoniqueBonMoniquebbon at yahoo dot com
Tweeted (;http://twitter.com/#!/MoniqueBon/status/124518627612426241Moniquebbon at yahoo dot com
With my daughter.fmd518(at)gmail(dot)com
I'd share with my daughter
I like your new fb page 1
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i have your button- link in my name 1
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entered walmart
entered pink together
I fanned you page on facebook!
i will be sharing with my momchantal cooperchantalgiardina (at)yahoo(dot)comthischattanoogamommysaves.blogspot.com
friend on facebookchantal cooperchantalgiardina (at)yahoo(dot)comthischattanoogamommysaves.blogspot.com
facebook fanchantal cooperchantalgiardina (at)yahoo(dot)comthischattanoogamommysaves.blogspot.com
facebook fan 2chantal cooperchantalgiardina (at)yahoo(dot)comthischattanoogamommysaves.blogspot.com
twitter follower @chantalgiardinachantal cooperchantalgiardina (at)yahoo(dot)comthischattanoogamommysaves.blogspot.com
i will be sharing the second set with my sister!damiesmom at ymail dot com
i like your new fb as heather stevensdamiesmom at ymail dot com#1
i like your new fb as heather stevensdamiesmom at ymail dot com#2
i follow you on twitter as damienrorymomdamiesmom at ymail dot com
tweetedhttp://twitter.com/#!/Damienrorymom/status/125080430700531712damiesmom at ymail dot com
i like you on fb as heather stevensdamiesmom at ymail dot com
i follow you via gfc as damiesmomdamiesmom at ymail dot com
i follow via networked blogs as heather stevensdamiesmom at ymail dot com
i subscribe via emaildamiesmom at ymail dot com
i entered the safety first satelite playyard giveawaydamiesmom at ymail dot com
i entered the step2 art easel giveawaydamiesmom at ymail dot com
i entered the gold medal flour prize packdamiesmom at ymail dot com
my auntjessicawedwards@gmail.com
my sisteramandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com
I will share them with my sis so shje can have for the gym! erinnsluka@gmail.com
FB follower @ErinnArenaSluka erinnsluka@gmail.com
FB follower @ErinnArenaSluka erinnsluka@gmail.com 2
GFC: Esluka erinnsluka@gmail.com–
Twitter follower @3sonshavei erinnsluka@gmail.com
NB follower @ erinn arena Sluka erinnsluka@gmail.com
I will be sharing wiht my sisterhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
like your new FB pagejulieh ebbhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
liek your new FB page #2julie hebbhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
follow you on twitter@hbgardenhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
like you on FBJulie hebbhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
follow GFCJulie hebbhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
follow network blogsjuliehebbhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
email subscirbierhebb dot julie at gmail dot com
I would share with our girls, they will love it.supergrand2009@yahoo.com
I'll share them with my mom! Thanks!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Hershey's Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Satellite Premier Play Yard 10/15 Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Blankie Buddies Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Ozeri Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Oxy Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Pink Together Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Walmart & Star Wars Giveaway!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB! Natalie Ahotaeilo…coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB! Natalie Ahotaeilo…2coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter! @natdeycoolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I'm a subscriber!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on FB! Natalie Ahotaeilo..coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I follow on Networked BLog!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I have your button! http://www.theadventuresofpaulnatalie.blogspot.comcoolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
I have your button! 2 http://www.theadventuresofpaulnatalie.blogspot.comcoolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/125335404743360513coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
Like your new FB page-shirley esupertgrand2009@yahoo.com
Like your new FB page-shirley esupertgrand2009@yahoo.com#2
Follow you on twitter @countrynest411supertgrand2009@yahoo.com
Follow you on FB-shirley esupertgrand2009@yahoo.com
Follow you on GFCsupergrand2009@yahoo.com
shared this with my daughter thanksaunteegem@yahoo.com
# 1 like u on fb Julie Scott Lawsaunteegem@yahoo.com
# 2 like u on fb Julie Scott Lawsaunteegem@yahoo.com
follow u on fb Julie Scott Lawsaunteegem@yahoo.com
would share with my daughterlaurie1993@verizon.net
like your FB pagelaurie1993@verizon.net
like you on FB2laurie1993@verizon.net
follow you on twitterfrugalwahmslaurie1993@verizon.net
follow on GFClaurie1993@verizon.net
subscribe via emaillaurie1993@verizon.net
follow on networked blogslaurie1993@verizon.net
My daughter.cmanventuresinc(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm a GFC follower.
I'm an email subscriber.
with my niece, Katiekarin56381 (at) gmail.com
Like you on Fb (Karin A-g)karin56381 (at) gmail.com
Like you on Fb (Karin A-g) #2karin56381 (at) gmail.com
entered the hershey's giveawaykarin56381 (at) gmail.com
Entered the Star Wars/ Walmart giveawaykarin56381 (at) gmail.com
id share the extra earbuds w/ my sisterlittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
im your facebook fan as emily ev–tlittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
facebook fan entry 2littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
im your twitter follower as @emilyreviewscomlittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
I will be sharing my second pair of earbuds with my youngest daughter. magic56331(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog. http://sndrdees.blogspot.com/magic56331(at)gmail(dot)comcomment #1
I have your button on my blog. http://sndrdees.blogspot.com/magic56331(at)gmail(dot)comcomment #2
I follow you on GFC. Sndrdeemagic56331(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on Twitter. SandraBorstad magic56331(at)gmail(dot)com
I like your new facebook page. Sndrdee or Sandy Blenker Borstadmagic56331(at)gmail(dot)comcomment#1
I like your new facebook page. Sndrdee or Sandy Blenker Borstadmagic56331(at)gmail(dot)comcomment#2
I entered the Halloween with Hershey's Giveaway. magic56331(at)gmail(dot)com
I enetered the $25 Walmart Gift Card and Star Wars giveaway. magic56331(at)gmail(dot)com
i entered the pink together giveawaymagic56331(at)gmail(dot)com