Home » Feed Baby On The Go Or Anytime With Yummi Pouch

Feed Baby On The Go Or Anytime With Yummi Pouch

Product Received

With Wyatt in the house, I am finding myself always busy, between taking care of Wyatt to taking care of his older siblings as well. I know that when I talk to friends, we seem to all agree that there is never enough time to get everything we set out to do done. So, I find it kind of a self mission to find products that can make life easier, and that can help save time as well. For the past few months, Wyatt has enjoyed trying out the different foods that we have introduced him too. He loves when we make him purees out of the fresh fruits and vegetables from our garden. It makes him feel big, because he will watch his older sister and brother eat the foods, then see that we take his portion and blend it up for him then serve it to him. For me, I find that it includes Wyatt in on all of the meals we prepare, but one thing that can be time consuming is sitting down at the table and spoon feeding him. This can also be a messy chore as well. Wyatt enjoys the foods, just like the rest of us, but there are times, like when we are out, and he wants to eat like his older siblings, and it takes longer, because I have to stop everything to sit down and feed him. Recently I was sent a great solution to the whole feeding process. I was sent the Yummi Pouch Little Munchkin Set to review from Yummi Pouch!

So, where do I start? I mean, there are so many great things that I love about this system. For one, it cuts the feeding time way down. I can also label and store away the foods that I prepare for Wyatt in the reusable pouches, and with the filling funnel pitcher, it makes filling the pouches so easy and there is less mess. I love that when we are out, I can pull one of the Yummi Pouches out for Wyatt, and he can enjoy an entire meal, without making a huge mess, and a lot faster than him having to wait on me to spoon feed him! Another plus is, if I want to make some applesauce or any other kind of fruit sauce for snacks for the kids, I can fill the pouches up for each of my kids and they can all enjoy a easy to use, less messy way of getting their snacks! It is so easy for me to fill up the filling funnel pitcher with the foods I make in the blender, then fill up the Yummi Pouches. Then after I have filled them up, I can easily label them then put them away in the refrigerator so they can be eaten at a later date! I also love that I can reuse the Yummi Pouches, so there is no waste. They are easy to rinse out and they are also dishwasher safe! I have really enjoyed using the Yummi Pouches for not only my baby Wyatt, but also for his older siblings. I find that if you have kids in the house, no matter what age, you can make meal time and snack time at home or on the go so much easier when you use Yummi Pouch!!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. Robin Wilson
    August 18, 2013 / 12:42 am

    I just love these. I sure wish they would have had them when my son was little. One of my first thoughts was how in the world do you clean them. So amazed that they are dishwasher safe. That is good to know so they can be sanitized! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. slehan
    August 21, 2013 / 2:34 am

    Yes, I agree that this would have been good to have 40 years ago when I had the need. Looks like a great product.slehan at juno dot com

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