Kids love toys. With the holidays coming up, parents need to know all of the great places to go to so that they can get the best toys for the best prices. I have found a great online store called ebeanstalk.com. Over at ebeanstalk.com they carry a large variety of toys for kids of all ages. Whether you are looking for baby gifts, toddler toys or learning toys, they cover all of these categories plus many more! I am always in the market for great toddler toys and learning toys for my kids. And over at ebeanstalk.com, I have found many great toys!! My son loves ride on toys and he has voiced that he really wants a kitchen for Christmas this year. We had one for my daughter, but when she quit playing with it, we gave it to someone who had a little girl who would play with it. When I was on the ebeanstalk.com site, I found the perfect play kitchen for my son. I love the Deluxe Lets Cook Kitchen from Kidcraft! I love the colors, and I think this play kitchen is the perfect fit for my son!!

I mentioned that my son loves ride ons as well. Well when I found the Road Hog Trike by Airflow, I could so see my little man riding this around the park!!

When I am toy shopping, I also look at girls toys as well. My daughter is a girlie girl, so if its pink or a doll, then she will probably like it! She loves her baby dolls and always plays the part of a good little mommy. She loves to accommodate all of her babies with cute baby doll furniture and items. I was gazing through the site when I caught eye of the Baby Stella Cradle by Manhattan Toy. I saw this and I know this will be something we will have to get her this year as well!!

My daughter also loves to do arts and crafts. We have her masterpieces all over our fridge. Her little brother is trying to catch up, but my daughter is definitely our little artist!! When looking through the arts and crafts section over at ebeanstalk.com I found so many great craft kits as well as a Art Activity Desk that really caught my eye! This would be perfect for her room, so she can have a set place to do all of her arts and crafts and store the supplies as well!

There are so many toys to choose from and with the holidays coming, my kids are already building their lists. Ebeastalk.com will be a stop for my Christmas shopping this year and more than likely from here on out!!

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