With Valentines Day just around the corner, I find it is time to find those fun, DIY ideas for myself and the kids to do. In my home, we of course love everything Disney, and with those Valentines Day parties that we have coming up, I have been busy searching for those free, Valentines printables that we can print off and use this Valentines Day. Now, I not only like being able to find and use those free printables, but I also like having a printer, one that can do the job, give me some beautiful prints, so it is not only easy for me to use, but also easy for the kids to use as well as they make their Valentines.
To help with this years printables, we were sent the Epson XP-860. I like that we can use this small in one, as a wireless printer, and that when we use it, is fast and easy to use. In fact, it is so easy, my daughter was able to print from her iPhone, by simply setting up the printer in her network, finding the printables she wanted, and sending them to the printer. Where she was then able to go straight to, get her Valentines off of, and begin cutting and preparing for her Valentines exchange parties!
I like it, because it is fast, wireless, and with its slim design, I can place it in the office, or even on our dinning room table as we all send items to the printer to have printed off for us to use.
Now when you go to getting those printables, I found a great selection of free Valentines on the Disney site, where I was able to find some 101 Dalmatians Valentines, Frozen themed Valentines and so much more!
The kids liked that as soon as their free Valentines over at the Disney site printed, they were ready to take off the printer, cut and start filling them out.
Aside from the Valentines for the kids, I also took advantage of the Alexander The Great printables for moms, which you can find in my sidebar. In the Valentines Day Survival Kit for Mom, you can find recipes, fun ideas for the family, and even Valentines to print off and give out to your own family!
Now aside from the many options when it comes to the printables that are out there, I also found the Epson Wrapping Generator, to be a unique and fun way to create fun, free, printables, right from home, and not just at Valentines Day either! With the wrapping generator, I can go on, create custom wrapping paper, then print it off, so I can wrap those Valentines gifts with a personalized paper on them!
Making the options that are available when it comes to using the Epson XP-860 endless, and making this printer a must have when it comes to your home or home office!!!
Product received, thank you to Epson as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.