Home » Display Your Family Portraits with Canvas Press

Display Your Family Portraits with Canvas Press

In my home, when it comes to the photos we enjoy sharing both in albums and on our walls for all to see, I find that I like to add a variety of options to the mix. From those framed prints I like to create to the various canvas prints, I find that I like to not only add those school and sports photos that we get but also the various family portraits as well. This allows me to mark those memories, and share them for all to see, where we can also see how the kids grow up throughout the years. And for me, when it comes to the photos I enjoy taking, I not only enjoy taking photos while we are out, but also to mark certain times of the year and occasions. So when we were given the chance to review a canvas print from Canvas Press, I was excited to take one of the photos I took of the kids over the holidays, and make it into a print to hang on our walls.

To get started with creating my custom print at Canvas Press, I first went on and selected the canvas product I was interested in making. After that, I was then able to select the photo that I would use for my canvas print. Once my photo was uploaded, I used the editing tools available to go on and crop, select the canvas size, choose the mirror wrap size and go on to selecting the enhancements I might use. For my print, I did not choose to utilize any of the color or enhancement options but found the finish options to be a good choice to go with.

Then once I had completed the selection of my photo, editing and enhancement choices, I was able to pick up the mounting options, which allowed me to pick out the wire hanger option that I find to make the hanging up of the canvas a lot easier. From there, I then placed my order and within about 1 week, my canvas print was delivered! I was very pleased with the finished product and found that when I shop at Canvas Press, I can create those family portraits to hang up and display, using the tools they have and receive high quality prints that can be displayed and admired for years to come. Making the choice to head to Canvas Press when seeking ways to display those family portraits you take or photos that you want to display for all to see, a choice you will be glad you made.

Product received, thank you to Canvas Press as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

1 Comment

  1. MichaelLogue
    March 20, 2018 / 7:17 pm

    This is the nice opportunity for me to bring something new to my family. I would recommend to add your useful website to a list of educational resources because you often write interesting information.

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