This is a sponsored post, I was compensated and also received product for my time. All opinions are my own.
Sleep does not always come easy, especially with a baby. I have learned that after 3 kids, coming up with a routine that you stick to is the only way to go. That way everyone can get the sleep they need, and everyone is happy. When it comes to routine with a baby or even with kids period, the smallest change in a routine can throw everyone out of whack, and one thing that happens twice a year, that can interfere with everyone’s sleep schedule is daylight savings time. I mean, even without the daylight savings time interrupting things, there are still things that can disrupt sleep with a baby, like a leaky diaper. Ever since Wyatt was first brought home from the hospital, one of the things that will wake him up from a deep sleep, as well as the rest of the house, is him having a wet diaper, and heaven forbid it leaks and gets his clothes wet. He is a baby who does not like having a wet bottom, and when he gets wet, day or night, he will let us know. With my older two, I did not have issues with them sleeping through the nights, even if their diaper was full or leaked, they did not mind so much, but Wyatt is different. It is like clockwork with him, he seems to wake up just about every night around the same time, because his diaper is wet. After having 3 babies, I know that this is not a uncommon thing, even though my older 2 did not do this. I know that I have had friends over the years who had mentioned the issue, and I did not realize how much of a hassle the waking up every night at around 3 a.m. could be until now. The waking up around 3 a.m. is a fairly common issue, and the wonderful people from Pampers would like to help moms and babies get more sleep by sharing some great information on sleep and routines below with my readers!
I like being able to get tips from experts like the people from Pampers. They know that when it comes to sleep, it can be a issue for both mom and baby, so having resources along with products that can help both mom and baby sleep better is something they aim for. I know that for my house, having a nap schedule that is the same everyday, meals, snacks, and a bedtime schedule for everyone, including myself and my husband, is the way to go. With daylight savings time, even though we will gain a extra hour of sleep, it does not mean that Wyatt will go along with that. So to prepare for the time change, we started today off by taking a nap a 30 minutes later and going to bed a little later. This is so when the change comes, we will all be able to transition a lot easier, all meaning Wyatt, lol. My older two do not have such a issue, but I know with Wyatt, having him prepared for the change ahead of time will make things easier for the rest of the house. To help with the older kids and Wyatt sleep that extra hour, I will be closing their curtains the night before, so that the light does not wake them up too early. Another tool that I will be using, is one I was sent by the wonderful people from Pampers. I was sent a pack of the Pampers Baby Dry to review. Both myself and Wyatt can appreciate that the Pampers Baby Dry gives him 12 hours of protection, giving us all a little extra sleep when it comes to night time. Along with the Pampers Baby Dry Diapers that we were sent, we also received a very adorable and soft pair of pajamas from The Children’s Place. So this weekend on Nov 3, when you go to change your clocks, and prepare for that extra hour of sleep, do not forget to prepare baby for the change as well. Head out and get some Pampers Baby Dry to help baby sleep a little longer and stay drier through the night, and also pick up some of the adorable and very comfortable pajamas from The Children’s Place! Well, to help my readers out with baby, the wonderful people from Pampers would like to give one of my amazing readers a pack of the Pampers Baby Dry along with some of The Children’s Place pajamas! Also, be sure to join in on the discussion on Nov 7 on Twitter, where there will be chat on how the end of daylight savings time can affect sleep patterns, and also get some really great tips as well as win some great prizes like a $50 AMEX Gift Card, $25 Children’s Place Gift Card, Pampers product and book by Kim West, $100 AMEX Gift Card, Pampers Product, series of books by Kim West
Grand Prize: $500 AMEX Card to purchase sleep items such as a new crib, video monitor, etc.
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, sleep expert @TheSleepLady and our sponsor @Pampers
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
My house is run by routine, eat at the same time, play same time, sleep same time…their little bodies get used to it…easier that way
One tip is to create a relaxing bedtime ritual, like a bath, reading or singing, then dim the lights to set the mood.
the computer appts work wonders. thankyou, ken
Tip: put the baby down the same time every day, night to keep them on a schedule so they sleep and so can you.
My best tip is to swaddle, it really makes a difference to how well your baby sleeps.
listen to soft music
Get as much sleep as you can too!
Sleep when they sleep.
Your best bet is to not sleep with baby as they get used to it.
Swaddle. It seriously helps.
(lynn w rafflecopter)
Nice warm jammies help, along with a fan or a sleep machine.
Co-sleep safely
make sure baby is feed and dry.
My best tip for my daughter was her sleeping in her crib with the humidifier on.
swaddling works for us. thanks!
button on blog,
face up!
night lights seem to work great!
Take turns getting up with the baby so you spread the sleep deprivation.maggie at literary winner dot com
Don't keep the tv on.
my tip is a bath before bedtime
Use a white noise machine.
soft music always helped my boys
Use a sleepsack instead of blankets for baby. A white noise machine is also very helpful.
I saw the neatest thing the other day online. It is a pair of socks that the babies wear and it monitors their heartbeats so you know if they stop breathing. That would have helped me sleep a lot better with the babies. I was always a worrier.
Keep the room a nice temp and swaddle them 🙂
Allow the baby to get used to falling asleep with background noise, so every lil thing doesn't wake him/her!
Put baby in a different room. YOu'll both sleep better.
Consistent bedtime is key.
Try to sing the same song before bed that way when they here it they know its bedtime!
making sure my baby is warm and cozy is the best way to ensure she will sleep for at least a few hours, she is only 3 months old 🙂
We use blackout curtains, a sound machine and the same routine every night. Works like a charm so far!acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
Put on soothing music. Thanks for the giveaway! =)
consistant routie
Swaddle and establish a night time routine. And routine does not always = schedule. 🙂
I put the baby next to me when asleep I move it to the crib
Go to bed when baby goes to bed!
Try and stick to your regular bedtime routine.
keep a routine
i have your
We have a routine and a curfew they have to follow. 🙂
My babies were swaddled until they were 6 months old and that worked great! Now we just stick with a great routine!
I have your button here:
Keep a routine! If I don't keep my routine everything in the house gets off track!