Home » Costume Express Halloween Review

Costume Express Halloween Review

I love Halloween!! I love dressing my kids up in the costumes that they choose. This past year my son has been obsessed with dinosaurs. Anything that has to do with dinosaurs, he is there!! He loves watching anything on TV that has to do with dinosaurs and any toys that have to do with dinosaurs. There was an exhibit at the local Discovery Center here that was about Dinosaurs, and that boy would spend all day in night there if he could!!! His favorite dinosaur is T.Rex. He will go around the house acting like he is a T.Rex. So I am sure that you can guess, when I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween this year, he told me he wanted to be a T.Rex!! I began searching for the perfect T.Rex costume for my little man. My search was over when I found the T.Rex costume for him at Costume Express!!! This is perfect!! Not only is it a T.Rex costume, but this T.Rex has shiny spikes that go down his back. It has T.Rex hands and feet, perfect for my little dinosaur to use when he wants to wear his costume for dress up!!! It has the tail and the hood, this is the T.Rex costume that I was looking for!! The price makes this costume even more perfect! I know that when we go trick or treating this year, my little man will be very excited to do it dinosaur style!!!

You can find this amazing T.Rex costume as well as many others over at Costume Express!

1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 4, 2012 / 12:01 pm

    It would be fun to dress the kids up.

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