Home » Childhood Skin Problems to Watch Out For

Childhood Skin Problems to Watch Out For

skin is growing and developing at an exceptional rate, just like the rest of
them. Their immune systems are also still progressing, and they are constantly
being exposed to new things. This can lead to skin conditions or problems. Many
of these conditions are completely harmless, but can be irritating or
unsightly. Here are some to look out for.


is remarkably common in children. It presents as sore red skin, and can be very
itchy. In some cases, the skin can become broken or infected and require
steroid treatment. It is often found in warm, moist areas, such as a baby’s fat
rolls, and tends to improve as children get older and these areas are exposed
to the air more. In mild cases, it can be managed by avoiding scented bath
products and washing powder as well as keeping your baby or child clean and

Allergy Rash

Allergies are another common childhood ailment. Try
introducing new foods one at a time, to make it easier to identify, and avoid,
any allergies your child may have.

Keloid Scars

scars occur when scarring continues to grow once a wound has healed. While they
aren’t common in children, because children get injured a lot while playing,
those prone to keloid scars might suffer more than an adult with the same
condition. Keloid scars aren’t harmful, but they can grow quite large. This can
affect a child’s confidence, as well as cause irritation and rubbing. In some
keloid scar treatments may be needed to remove them.

Nappy Rash

rash is exceptionally common in babies and toddlers who wear nappies. It is
caused by irritation and wet skin. The best ways to avoid nappy rash are to
make sure you change nappies regularly, and as soon as you can when your child
poos. Then, after cleaning, apply a barrier cream to protect the skin, and
treat any soreness. It is now thought it’s best to avoid using talc as this
just adds friction.


children suffer from chickenpox at some stage, as it’s unbelievably contagious.
It’s generally seen as a good thing for children to have chickenpox, as it can
be much more dangerous in later life, especially pregnancy. Chickenpox causes
symptoms such as a fever, a rash and fatigue. The rash can be horribly itchy.
If your child does contract chicken pox, ease the itching with a
mild lotion, and try to stop them from
scratching, as it can lead to scarring and damaged skin.


is a highly contagious infection, which causes sore skin and blisters.
Antibiotics can be used to shorten the length of time your child is infectious,
but may not help the symptoms.

Slapped Cheek Syndrome

cheek syndrome looks just like it sounds. Your child will have bright red
cheeks, as if they have been slapped. It isn’t contagious once the rash
presents, and should go away on its own within 3 weeks. Most children don’t
feel unwell while they have it.

If you notice
any growths or rashes on your child’s skin, while they are probably harmless,
it’s always best to get them seen by a doctor before trying any home remedies.


  1. Maryann D.
    February 17, 2017 / 9:51 pm

    My son has allergies and also Eczema. They are both not fun to have and difficult to treat too.twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. Julie Wood
    February 18, 2017 / 1:28 pm

    My son had allergies and some skin conditions when he was young, but he seems to have out grown them now.

  3. Janet W.
    February 19, 2017 / 12:31 pm

    This is great information on skin problems to keep an eye out for on my grandsons.

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