Home » #Cheerios #PlatefullCoOp #spon Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch

#Cheerios #PlatefullCoOp #spon Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch

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When it comes to breakfast time, I enjoy adding cereal to the table. Now with the kids, they have their favorite, flavored cereals from the Big G line of products. For me, I enjoy having some flavor, but I look for the Multi Grain products and I do not always find those fun flavored mixes that can go along with my own personal diet goals. I am a dark chocolate fanatic, and if I can add dark chocolate to my meals, and have it be a healthy option, well then I am all in. Recently I was sent a new favorite for me to try, when I was sent the new Mult Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch to review.

With the new Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch, I can get all of the multi grain goodness with a added bonus of chocolate flavored Cheerios as well as some dark chocolate crunch bits, that add a very pleasant surprise to my bowl of cereal in the mornings at only 110 calories! With the little chunks of dark chocolate, you not only get a pleasant crunch of dark chocolate, but I like that when I am done eating the cereal in the bowl, I can enjoy the chocolate milk that is left in the bowl! I can also appreciate the 15 grams of whole grain that I get per serving and the fact that there are 5 different whole grains, and the cocoa that is used is real cocoa! So if you enjoy dark chocolate, but find that it might not fit into your diet plan, head out and get the Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch, and put the fun and pleasure back into your breakfast cereal!

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op.

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1 Comment

  1. danw78704
    February 8, 2014 / 4:14 pm

    twitted this today, 08/02

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