Home » Celebrating Love Review + Giveaway Closed!

Celebrating Love Review + Giveaway Closed!

From lovers and soul mates to friends and family members, celebrate the unique relationships in your life with this inspiring and heartwarming book by Jim McCann, founder of Celebrations.com and 1800Flowers.com®.

Celebrating Love: Share, Remember, Cherish follows Celebrating Mom in a new gift series from 1-800-flowers.com and Celebrations.com founder Jim McCann.

Reinforcing the 1-800-flowers.com and Celebrations.com philosophy of helping customers express, connect, and celebrate, McCann balances the practical with the inspirational, and the poignant with the profound, inside this collection of authentic love stories. Full-color drawings illustrate the book throughout and are interspersed with meaningful quotes and little-known facts about love and affection. Divided into four sections based on the distinct seasons of love, Celebrating Love features 150 entries.

1-800-flowers.com is also holding a “Love Note” contest on Facebook:  http://ww30.1800flowers.com/template.do?id=template3&page=2000


Mandatory Entry:

To win your own Celebrating Love Book, like 1-800 Flowers on Facebook then come back here and leave your email with this entry!

Extra Entries:

Follow me on Twitter

Follow me on Facebook

Follow me on Google Friends Connect 

Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it 

Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)

This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on February 22,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.

This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. I was provided product in exchange for the review


  1. Jena Olsen
    February 17, 2011 / 4:37 pm

    I follow you through GFC

  2. Jena Olsen
    February 17, 2011 / 4:37 pm

    I follow you through GFCjenakaye(at)gmail(dot)com(sorry this one might be posted twice. delete the last one if you can. my internet was having problems!)

  3. Jena Olsen
    February 17, 2011 / 4:38 pm

    I follow you on twitter (@suhodgepodge)jenakaye(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Jena Olsen
    February 17, 2011 / 4:38 pm

    I sent you a friend request on FB jenalen olsenjenakaye(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. Misty
    February 17, 2011 / 8:54 pm

    follow you on facebook; Misty VanEpps

  6. Misty
    February 17, 2011 / 8:54 pm

    follow you on twitter; mommy2skie

  7. Misty
    February 17, 2011 / 8:55 pm

    follow you with GFC

  8. Niecey
    February 18, 2011 / 4:39 am

    I like 1-800-Flowers.com on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Niecey
    February 18, 2011 / 4:39 am

    I follow you on twitter@goodieslistnieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. Niecey
    February 18, 2011 / 4:39 am

    I added you as a friend on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Niecey
    February 18, 2011 / 4:39 am

    I follow your blog via google friend connect – Nieceynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. Niecey
    February 18, 2011 / 4:39 am

    I have your button on my blog sidebarhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. Tabathia
    February 20, 2011 / 5:36 am

    like 800flowers on facebooktbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  14. Tabathia
    February 20, 2011 / 5:37 am

    twitter follower @chelleb36tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  15. Tabathia
    February 20, 2011 / 5:37 am

    like on facebooktbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  16. Tabathia
    February 20, 2011 / 5:37 am

    google followertbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  17. Tabathia
    February 20, 2011 / 5:37 am

    buttonitsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  18. Sandie
    February 22, 2011 / 6:45 pm

    I liked 1-800-Flowers on Facebooksandrashaw163 at aol dot com

  19. Sandie
    February 22, 2011 / 6:45 pm

    I follow you on Twitter (freezingqueen1)sandrashaw163 at aol dot com

  20. Sandie
    February 22, 2011 / 11:39 pm

    I follow you on Facebooksandrashaw163 at aol dot com

  21. Sandie
    February 22, 2011 / 11:40 pm

    I follow you on googlesandrashaw163 at aol dot com

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