Home » Celebrate Valentines Day with Ole Smoky Moonshine

Celebrate Valentines Day with Ole Smoky Moonshine

In my house, we like to celebrate Valentines Day. We put time aside to celebrate with the kids during the day, by finding fun arts and crafts, exchanging Valentines with friends and family, and even sharing those family movies with them.

Whether we choose to make a nice dinner at home for the entire family to enjoy, or we head out for dinner and a movie, we take advantage of the day to spend time together and also exchange gifts. When it comes to the gifts my husband likes, he likes the various ales as well as other drinks, so to help with this years Valentines Day when it comes to the gift giving, we were sent some of the Ole Smoky Moonshine to review.

Now we have tried various moonshines we have found at the stores, but of them, we have found the Ole Smoky Moonshine to be a line that has a really great flavor to it. We were sent the Apple Pie Moonshine along with a jar of the Ole Smoky Moonshine Cherries.

With the Apple Pie Moonshine, we found the flavor of apple and ginger to give this moonshine a great flavor that does remind us of apple pie. One of the things that really stood out for us, was that unlike some of the other moonshines we have tried in the past, you do not get that overpowering flavor of the alcohol. I also like, that with one jar, it can go a long way, since it is 40 proof. We also found that the Apple Pie Moonshine is great for pairing with dessert.

Then with the Moonshine Cherries, you get a jar of Cherries which have been soaked in moonshine, which are not only good all on their own, but are also great for making a sweet treat with this Valentines Day. We found the cherries to have a strong kick all on their own, but taking a few and making them into a chocolate covered cherry, not only makes for a great adult dessert, but also for a great gift to make and give this Valentines Day! In all, making the moonshine you can find from the Ole Smoky Moonshine line, a great selection to both have and give this Valentines Day!!!

You can find the recipe for the Chocolate Covered Cherries using the Ole Smoky Cherries by going here  http://olesmoky.com/recipes/chocolate-dipped-cherries !

Product received, thank you to Ole Smoky Moonshine as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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