Skip Hop Moby Non-Slip Bath Mat

Bath time is one of Wyatt’s favorite times of day. At the moment, he is still using a infant tub to bathe in, but it will not be long before he is able to sit…

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Eating Healthy with Dr. Praeger's

As I prepare myself to embark on my own weight loss journey, I am preparing my family for a healthier lifestyle as well. I have been researching healthier foods and stocking our freezer and pantry…

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EZ Squeezees Reusable Baby Food Pouches!

Lately, Wyatt and I have been experimenting with new foods for him. He has been loving it too. He loves all of the new flavors and textures that we have been introducing to him and…

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Atlas Shrugged Part II Blu-Ray Review

Recently, my husband and I were sent another movie to watch on our own movie night. In Atlas Shrugged Part II, you find the economy as we know it on the brink of a meltdown.…

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#Giveaway #RC #Free Puppet Monsters CLOSED!

Ever since Robert was a baby, he has had a love for monsters and a love for puppets. Robert has a great collection of both that he adores and loves playing with them, the thing…

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