Disney Baby Winnie The Pooh Deluxe Infant Costume

I love dressing my babies up, and with my older two, they still love to dress up. Estrella loves to play dress up with princess and diva style clothes with her friends, and Robert is…

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A Monster In Paris on DVD

We love our family movie nights and when it comes to finding movies to add to our collection, the kids love when they can find movies that are ones that they contribute to the mix.…

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The Wings Of Life on Blu-Ray

My family and I have enjoyed the Disneynature movies, and just like the other ones that we have watched in the past, Wings of Life was one that we found to be amazing. We loved…

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#NSNation #Spon #Nutrisystem Week 5: Dealing With Stress

Where to start? Well, I am a mom, and as a mom, like most moms, I deal with stress on a daily basis, but when extra stress gets added onto my daily stress, it seems…

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#Giveaway #RC #BestofWB ($597 Value!!) Best Of Warner Brothers Mothers Day Pack (Gifts For Mom) CLOSED!

This is a great Mothers Day Prize Pack for my readers that is going to be part of a fun giveaway!! There will be 100 movies included in this giveaway which is valued at around…

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