Give Dad The T3 Tactical Auto Rescue Tool (Fathers Day Guide)

With Fathers Day coming up, it is time to find dad that perfect gift. For my husband, finding that perfect gift can be a task, but I know that when I look into it and…

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#NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 8: Too Busy To Diet You Say?

When we decide to go on a diet, we tend to come up with excuses, it is not the right time, I dont have the money, I dont know if I will be able to…

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#Giveaway #Ad #RC Give Dad The Gift Of Music From KICKER Audio! (Fathers Day Guide) CLOSED!

Like many other dads out there, my husband loves his music. He loves to go in the garage, or what some guys call the, “Man Cave”, escape the kids, tinker and build things, and listen…

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Get Dad A Slumberjack Cot This Year (Fathers Day Guide)

We are a family who loves to be outdoors, and with the warmer weather here, and hopefully here to stay for a little while, we are taking full advantage of the being outdoors. One of…

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#Ad #Giveaway #RC P&G Spring Blossoms Prize Pack CLOSED!

In my house I use a lot of products from P&G. From the toiletry items, baby products to the laundry and cleaning products. I love the products from P&G because they not only make my…

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