Star Wars Costumes For Baby At Halloween Adventure

Product Received It is hard to believe that we are already in the month of September, but it is true, and for me that means to start prepping for Halloween. This year will be the…

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#Giveaway #CountryCrockCasserole Mexican Corn & Beef Garden Casserole + 6 Winners! CLOSED!

Product Received With the kids back in school, as well as my husband, I find that creating dishes that are easy to put together as well as tasty, to be ideal. There is so much…

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Change It Up With The Inter-Changeable Flip-Flops From WaveWear!

Product Received I am one, who if the weather permitted year round, would prefer to wear flip-flops all of the time. I have a huge collection of flip-flops, and being a mom, well I find…

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Keep The Bugs OFF! While You Are Outside With Your Family!

Product Received With a family, I find that it is my obligation to keep them safe. From the items they consume in their bodies to when we are outdoors. We enjoy being outdoors, and even…

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Barnana: A Healthy Organic Snack For The Entire Family

Product Received As a mom, I find it to be a mission to find the best foods and snacks for my family. All three of my kids enjoy their snacks, whether we are on the…

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