#Giveaway New Baby Prize Pack (Preparing For Baby)

Products received and reviewed in previous posts. Recently I reviewed some products from a few different companies that are perfect for new parents to get when preparing for a new baby. The products included a…

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Celebrating National Cereal Day With Nature Path Organics

Product Received Some may think of cereal as a breakfast food, but I see it as a food that can not only be served during breakfast time, but that can be served during any meal…

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#Giveaway Easter Basket Must Haves From Mattel

Product Received With Easter coming up, I find myself trying to find those items that the kids want, for the Easter baskets. Now, when I was a kid, I can remember not only getting candy…

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Stocking Up On The Swaddles From Aden + Anais (Preparing For Baby)

Product Received As with previous babies that I have prepared for, I know that one of the top items to add to any list or registry are the swaddle blankets. When I was pregnant with…

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Bottle Making On The Go Made Easier With The Mixie Bottle (Preparing For Baby Guide)

Product Received When you have a baby there are things to prepare for, like feeding times. I mean, you truly can not prepare for what babies awake and feeding patterns will be, but as a…

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