Spring Forward with new Toys for the Kids from Tech4Kids

Product Received The Spring is here, and with my kids, they enjoy being able to take full advantage of the nicer weather, where they can spend time outdoors with their friends. It seems that every…

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#Giveaway Rainy Day Fun with Fort Magic

Product Received Spring is here, and with the spring weather comes the springtime rains. My kids and I enjoy spending time outdoors, but on those rainy days when the weather is not so permitting, we…

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Springtime Trends from Sole Provisions

Product Received Spring is upon us and here in Texas, I am sure enjoying the Springtime weather that we have been having. I enjoy being able to go outdoors, whether it is a stroll at…

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#Giveaway Safety Products for Baby from Dreambaby

Product Received As a parent, when you have babies and toddlers around, it is crucial that you prepare your home and make it safe for them. With Wyatt, he is a little guy who is…

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#Giveaway #DreamBuilders American Dream Builders ($50 Lowe's Gift Card)

This post is for my readers and composed by the sponsor. I was not compensated for this post. If you are a homeowner, it seems that when you look at your home, there are things…

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