New Skylanders to Add to Our Skylanders Trap Team

With Mission 1st Grade Completed and Robert’s birthday just around the corner, we have found that getting gifts for him to add to his various collections he loves, is the way to go! One collection…

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Mark the Completion of the School Year with a Celebration and Oriental Trading

It is hard to believe, but the school year is almost over. I mean, it seriously seems like yesterday that we were beginning this school year, celebrating the mission ahead, and now, in just a…

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#NMNO15 A Nite Out for Mom

As a mom, we find that we do a lot for our families. There are plenty of times where we find that putting our own wants  and needs to the side, so that our kids…

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HomeScreen Dual Band AC Router/Range Extender

In my home, we have a lot of devices that we use when it comes to the tech products, and with that, we rely on our home WiFi to keep us connected when using our…

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Saving Even More on Your Electric Bill

By now, everybody knows the basics of saving money on electricity: turn off the lights when you leave a room (and use LED bulbs), switch to energy efficient appliances, etc. Even after doing all of…

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