#Giveaway Make a New Friend with My Friend Cayla

When it comes to toys, I find that it never ceases to amaze me when we find new toys and get a chance to check out the new technology that they use. For me, as…

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#Giveaway Geleeo Self Cooling Gel Pad for Kids

If you might recall, I posted a review on the Geleeo yesterday. I had mentioned that this product is a new item to add to the lists when packing up to head out for those…

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5 Companies that Pay You for Your Opinions.

If you want to earn some extra money, complete a survey. Buffalowildwings, and other companies, are more than willing to pay you for your opinions. You’ve probably heard about survey sites that will allow you…

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#Giveaway Get Crafty with your Tweens with the Pillow Puffs Designer Felt Crafting Kits

In my home, we like to find fun arts and crafts items to have on hand for a rainy day or for those sleepovers that my daughter likes to host. One line of products that…

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Adding the Geleeo to the Packing List this Summer

As we get ready for summer, plan out those vacations, and get all of the travel needs in place for our families, I find that having products that can hep with enjoying our time is…

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