14 Day Skinny Teatox

I find that when it comes to my health, I not only like to stay active, but I also enjoy finding products that can help with increasing my energy levels as well as boost my…

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#Giveaway #TeamJurassic Movie Swag for the Whole Family

Now in the previous post, I mentioned our excitement for the new movie, Jurassic World, which will be in theaters on June 12th. I also mentioned that in anticipation of this new movie, my kids…

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#Giveaway #TeamJurassic Gearing Up for the Big Day with Jurassic World

The time is coming, the time many like myself and my family have been waiting for. The time I am talking about is one that takes us back but into the present all at once,…

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New Lime Green Svan Lyft Booster Seat

When it comes to the little ones in my house, my toddler finds that he wants to do whatever his older siblings are doing, and when we all sit at the table, he wants to…

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Parties Made Fun with Birthday Express

With the end of the school year here and those summer parties to be had, I like to ensure we have the supplies on hand to help make those parties memorable ones at any time…

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