#CreateTheNext DMA Summer Camps + Discount

Summer is here and like many, I find myself in search of those summer camps that the kids will love! Recently I was introduced to such camps when I was I found out about the…

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#Giveaway #TeamJurassic LEGO Jurassic World Game

Eek! We are so excited in my house, for the big day tomorrow, when Jurassic World hits theaters! We have been counting down the days, and building up the excitement in my home with the…

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#ZippySack #ZipandFlip Bed Making Made Easy with the Zippy Sack!

In our home, when it comes to bed time, we have a set routine. From getting baths done after dinner, pajamas on, teeth brushed and stories read, we have found our routine works for our…

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Add Del Taco to the List of Stops this Summer

The summer is here for many of us, and just around the corner for others, and for myself and my family that means it is time for those epic summer vacations! To get our summer…

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Happy Mom Tips

As a mommy, you have to smile even when you are shouting at something or someone in your mind because your child is with you and you don’t want to set a bad mommy example…

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