Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery on DVD

Finding those fun family movies to add to our family movie nights is something I enjoy doing, and when we were recently sent the new DVD, Scooby-Doo and KISS Rock and Roll Mystery to review,…

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Cold Brew Coffee with Really Cool Coffee

In my house, when morning comes, coffee is not a option it is a necessity. I have found that my day does not start without my coffee, and when it comes to coffee, I do…

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This Bar Saves Lives

When it comes to snacks in my house, I like to have items on hand that are not only satisfying and tasty but also ones that I can feel good about giving to my family.…

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#Giveaway Veena: Helping Girls to Embrace who they are and Giving them the Courage to Change the World

As parents, we want to find and give our children the tools and confidence they need, so when it comes to their dreams and embracing who they are, they are ready to take on the…

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Cleaning up the Outside that is Tracked in Made Easy with the Shark Sonic Duo

Being in the Pacific Northwest, we find that there is a lot of wet weather around here, and with having both kids and pets who enjoy spending time outdoors, I find that they end up…

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